HTTP Request node

KV - Cloudflare Key-Value Database Full API Integration Workflow

Published 5 months ago

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IT Ops

Template description

Cloudflare KV

This n8n template provides a comprehensive solution for managing Key-Value (KV) pairs using Cloudflare's KV storage. It's designed to simplify the interaction with Cloudflare's KV storage APIs, enabling users to perform a range of actions like creating, reading, updating, and deleting namespaces and KV pairs.


  • Efficient Management: Handle multiple KV operations seamlessly.
  • User-Friendly: Easy to use with pre-configured Cloudflare API credentials within n8n.
  • Customizable: Flexible for integration into larger workflows (Copy / paste your prefered part).


  • n8n workflow automation tool (version 1.19.0 or later).
  • A Cloudflare account with access to KV storage.
  • Pre-configured Cloudflare API credentials in n8n.

Workflow Overview

This workflow is divided into three main sections for ease of use:

  1. Single Actions: Perform individual operations on KV pairs.
  2. Bulk Actions: Handle multiple KV pairs simultaneously.
  3. Specific Actions: Execute specific tasks like renaming namespaces.

Key Components

  • Manual Trigger: Initiates the workflow.
  • Account Path Node: Sets the path for account details, a prerequisite for all actions.
  • HTTP Request Nodes: Facilitate interaction with Cloudflare's API for various operations.
  • Sticky Notes: Provide quick documentation links and brief descriptions of each node's function.


  1. Setup Account Path: Input your Cloudflare account details in the 'Account Path' node. you can get your account path by your cloudflare URL
  2. Choose an Action: Select the desired operation from the workflow.
  3. Configure Nodes: Adjust parameters in the HTTP request nodes as needed. (each node contain sticky note with direct link to it own document page)
  4. Execute Workflow: Trigger the workflow manually to perform the selected operations.

Detailed Node Descriptions

I covered in this Workflow the full api calls of Cloudflare KV product.


  • Type: HTTP Request
  • Function: Deletes a specified KV pair within a namespace.
  • Configuration: This node requires the namespace ID and KV pair name. It automatically fetches these details from preceding nodes, specifically from the "List KV-NMs" and "Set KV-NM Name" nodes.
  • Documentation: Delete KV Pair API


  • Type: HTTP Request
  • Function: Creates a new Key-Value Namespace.
  • Configuration: Users need to input the title for the new namespace. This node uses the account information provided by the "Account Path" node.
  • Documentation: Create Namespace API

API NODE: Delete KV1

  • Type: HTTP Request
  • Function: Renames an existing Key-Value Namespace.
  • Configuration: Requires the old namespace name and the new desired name. It retrieves these details from the "KV to Rename" and "List KV-NMs" nodes.
  • Documentation: Rename Namespace API

API NODE: Write KVs inside NM

  • Type: HTTP Request
  • Function: Writes multiple Key-Value pairs inside a specified namespace.
  • Configuration: This node needs a JSON array of key-value pairs along with their namespace identifier. It fetches the namespace ID from the "List KV-NMs" node.
  • Documentation: Write Multiple KV Pairs API

API NODE: Read Value Of KV In NM

  • Type: HTTP Request
  • Function: Reads the value of a specific Key-Value pair in a namespace.
  • Configuration: Requires the Key's name and Namespace ID, which are obtained from the "Set KV-NM Name" and "List KV-NMs" nodes.
  • Documentation: Read KV Pair API

API NODE: Read MD from Key

  • Type: HTTP Request
  • Function: Reads the metadata of a specific Key in a namespace.
  • Configuration: Similar to the "Read Value Of KV In NM" node, it needs the Key's name and Namespace ID, which are obtained from the "Set KV-NM Name" and "List KV-NMs" nodes.
  • Documentation: Read Metadata API

The rest can be found inside the workflow with sticky/onflow note explain what to do.

Best Practices

  • Modular Use: Extract specific parts of the workflow for isolated tasks.
  • Validation: Ensure correct namespace and KV pair names before execution.
  • Security: Regularly update your Cloudflare API credentials for secure access, and make sure to give your API only access to the KV.

Keywords: Cloudflare KV, n8n workflow automation, API integration, key-value storage management.

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