NASA node
Respond to Webhook node
n8n Form Trigger node

Set credentials dynamically using expressions

Published 2 months ago

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Building Blocks

Template description

How it works

This workflow shows how to set credentials dynamically using expressions. It accepts an API key via a form, then uses it in the NASA node to authenticate a request.

Setup steps

First, set up your NASA credential:

  1. Create a new NASA credential.
  2. Hover over API Key.
  3. Toggle Expression on.
  4. In the API Key field, enter {{ $json["Enter your NASA API key"] }}.

Then, test the workflow:

  1. Get an API key from NASA
  2. Select Test workflow
  3. Enter your key using the form.
  4. The workflow runs and sends you to the NASA picture of the day.

For more information on expressions, refer to n8n documentation | Expressions.

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