Google Sheets node

Chat with a Google Sheet using AI

Published 3 months ago

Created by

David Roberts



Template description

This workflow allows you to ask questions about the data in a Google Sheet over a chat interface. It uses n8n's built-in chat, but could be modified to work with Slack, Teams, WhatsApp, etc.

Behind the scenes, the workflow uses GPT4, so you'll need to have an OpenAI API key that supports it.

How it works

The workflow uses an AI agent with custom tools that call a sub-workflow. That sub-workflow reads the Google Sheet and returns information from it.

Because models have a context window (and therefore a maximum number of characters they can accept), we can't pass the whole Google Sheet to GPT - at least not for big sheets. So we provide three ways of querying less data, that can be used in combination to answer questions. Those three functions are:

  1. List all the columns in the sheet
  2. Get all values of a single column
  3. Get all values of a single row

Note that to use this template, you need to be on n8n version 1.19.4 or later.

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