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integration AdRoll node
HTTP Request

Integrate AdRoll with 500+ apps and services

Integrate AdRoll with any application or service using n8n's HTTP Request node and generic authentication methods. Configure the HTTP Request node to connect AdRoll to any API, database, webhook, and more.

Create workflows with AdRoll integrations

782 integrations
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Supported methods for AdRoll

To set up AdRoll integration, add the HTTP Request node to your workflow canvas and authenticate it using a generic authentication method. The HTTP Request node makes custom API calls to AdRoll to query the data you need using the URLs you provide.

See the example here

AdRoll node
HTTP Request

About AdRoll

AdRoll is a digital marketing platform that offers retargeting and personalized advertising solutions for businesses. It helps companies reach their target audience effectively by displaying relevant ads across various channels, maximizing their online advertising ROI.

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Use case

Automate lead management

Using too many marketing tools? n8n lets you orchestrate all your apps into one cohesive, automated workflow.

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Connect AdRoll with your company’s tech stack and create automation workflows