The occasional indulgence is a good thing. The keyword there is “occasional”. I have found that with all of the strangeness that has gone on over the past two years, it has become easier for me to indulge myself.
Should I go out for a run? No, better “stay safe” and stay home baking the umpteenth batch of decadent cookies. Should I order that amazing new life-changing self-improvement book all my friends have been recommending to me? Naw, I’m already paying for all these streaming services and I’m sure that I will find something to watch that won’t put me into a coma.
Sometimes, all it takes to get out of these ruts is a little nudge. A bit of a prod to move you closer where you know you should be mentally and physically.
To assist with this, I put together a list of five workflows that can help you meet your New Year’s resolutions and start you on some great new habits.
Table of contents
Get daily workout encouragement
Track your (crypto) finances
Get healthy recipes emailed daily
Get new book recommendations
Organize your tasks
Get daily workout encouragement
The most common resolution last year was doing more exercise. But after a long day of work, probably from home, it can be difficult to get motivated to get up and get moving. “Work out? I know I should, but I’d rather just sit here.. Who’s going to know anyway?”
If you use the Activity Encouragement workflow, the answer is “at least three people”! This workflow monitors your Strava account and checks if you have been active enough that day. If not, it will send an email to three of your friends, who will reach out to you with words of (we hope) encouragement!

Track your (crypto) finances
Saving more money is the third most common New Year resolution. An increasingly popular saving strategy is investing in cryptocurrency. But with its high volatility, you need an efficient way to automatically keep track of the ups and downs in your portfolio.
The Crypto Portfolio Tracking workflow allows you to create an Airtable base that will update the value of your portfolio every hour.

Get healthy recipes emailed daily
Many of us want to start eating better in the new year. The holiday season tends to be a time when we allow ourselves to indulge in foods that may not be extremely healthy.
The challenge comes when trying to figure out what healthy meals to make. It is too easy to simply say, “I don’t know what to make for supper so I will eat this entire family-sized bag of potato chips instead!”.
The Daily Recipe Email workflow allows you to configure what type of meals you would like to eat. It will then daily send you three recipes from Edamam so that you can pick up groceries on the way home and prepare a healthy meal.

Get new book recommendations
Reading is one of the activities that can allow you to relax, destress, and improve yourself all at the same time. But what book should you read next? But sometimes you might find yourself in a reading slump because you just don’t know what to read next.
A workflow that recommends books from the Open Library may just be what you are looking for! This workflow sends you an email every Friday with a book title, a brief description, and links to the authors so that you can look for more of their writing.

Organize your tasks
Do you ever feel like there is not enough time to do everything you need to do? Yeah, me too. Usually, this happens not because of a lack of time, but rather because of a lack of organization. Maybe a colleague told you to check something on your way to the coffee machine, but you completely forgot by the time you got back to the office, or got carried away with another task and couldn’t accomplish the new one by the end of the day.
This workflow can help you stay organized. It uses a Typeform web form to gather the information about the task request directly from the user, then categorizes it and assigns it in ClickUp accordingly.

Start automating
It is really easy for me to get into a routine that does not contribute to me being the best version of myself. I have found that little nudges from friends, family, and, yes, even computers can make a huge difference. They shake me out of my “lather, rinse, repeat” life so that I can pursue becoming the person I know that I can be. I hope that the five workflows presented in this post will do that for you as well.
Start automating your habits for free with the n8n desktop app, or use n8n cloud or the self-hosted version.
Do you have an amazing idea of how to make the New Year fantastic using n8n? Feel free to message me on Twitter or ask for help on our forum 🧡