n8n experts

Looking for an expert to create workflows or integrations for you? You're in the right place.

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Our diverse expert network is spread globally across different countries and time zones and have backgrounds as software developers and automation consultants.

Find your n8n expert to:

  • build a node
  • design a complex workflow
  • customise n8n to your needs
  • improve and automate business processes
  • set up n8n

How to find an expert


Contact us

Tell us what you want to achieve using the form below.


Get matched

We will match you with one or more Experts in your field based in your country or timezone.


Build together

Our Experts will reach out to you to discuss your project and get started on an engagement basis that you are happy with.

Why choose n8n?

Source Available

n8n’s code is available for you to review and tweak to suit your specific use cases.


With over 200 integrations and counting, n8n can do a lot out of the box. Writing your own functions, importing npm packages and customising n8n means you can do even more.

Active Community

With an active community of ~20,000 members and 60+ new versions each year, n8n is moving fast.

Become an expert

Access new clients and offer them more power and flexibility with a tool that is easy to extend.
