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integration integration

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Popular ways to use Compression integration

HTTP Request node
Dropbox node

Compress binary files to zip format

This workflow allows you to compress binary files to zip format. HTTP Request node: The workflow uses the HTTP Request node to fetch files from the internet. If you want to fetch files from your local machine, replace it with the Read Binary File or Read Binary Files node. Compression node: The Compression node compresses the file into a zip. If you want to compress the files to gzip, then select the gzip format instead. Based on your use-case, you may want to write the files to your disk or upload it to Google Drive or Box. If you want to write the compressed file to your disk, replace the Dropbox node with the Write Binary File node, or if you want to upload the file to a different service, use the respective node.
HTTP Request node

Split Out Binary Data

This workflows helps with processing binary data. You'll often have binary objects with keys such as attachment_0, attachment_1, attachment_2, etc. attached to your items, for example when reading an incoming email. This binary data is hard to process because it's not an array you can simply loop through. This workflow solves this problem by providing a Function node that takes all incoming items and all their binary data and then returning a single item for each file with a data key containing your binary file. Incoming binary data: Processed binary data:
Read/Write Files from Disk node
OpenAI Chat Model node
HTTP Request node

Talk to your SQLite database with a LangChain AI Agent 🧠💬

This n8n workflow demonstrates how to create an agent using LangChain and SQLite. The agent can understand natural language queries and interact with a SQLite database to provide accurate answers. 💪 🚀 Setup Run the top part of the workflow once. It downloads the example SQLite database, extracts from a ZIP file and saves locally (chinook.db). 🗣️ Chatting with Your Data Send a message in a chat window. Locally saved SQLite database loads automatically. User's chat input is combined with the binary data. The LangChain Agend node gets both data and begins to work. The AI Agent will process the user's message, perform necessary SQL queries, and generate a response based on the database information. 🗄️ 🌟 Example Queries Try these sample queries to see the AI Agent in action: "Please describe the database" - Get a high-level overview of the database structure, only one or two queries are needed. "What are the revenues by genre?" - Retrieve revenue information grouped by genre, LangChain agent iterates several time before producing the answer. The AI Agent will store the final answer in its memory, allowing for context-aware conversations. 💬 Read the full article: 👉
Qdrant Vector Store node
Embeddings Mistral Cloud node
Default Data Loader node
Split Out node
Extract from File node

Build a Tax Code Assistant with Qdrant, and OpenAI

This n8n workflows builds another example of creating a knowledgebase assistant but demonstrates how a more deliberate and targeted approach to ingesting the data can produce much better results for your chatbot. In this example, a government tax code policy document is used. Whilst we could split the document into chunks by content length, we often lose the context of chapters and sections which may be required by the user. Our approach then is to first split the document into chapters and sections before importing into our vector store. Additionally, using metadata correctly is key to allow filtering and scoped queries. Example Human: "Tell me about what the tax code says about cargo for intentional commerce?" AI: "Section 11.25 of the Texas Property Tax Code pertains to "MARINE CARGO CONTAINERS USED EXCLUSIVELY IN INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE." In this section, a person who is a citizen of a foreign country or an en..." How it works The tax code policy document is downloaded as a zip file from the government website and its pages are extracted as separate chapters. Each chapter is then parsed and split into its sections using data manipulation expressions. Each section is then inserted into our Qdrant vector store tagged with its source, chapter and section numbers as metadata. When our AI Agent needs to retrieve data from our vector store, we use a custom workflow tool to perform the query to Qdrant. Because we're relying on Qdrant's advanced filtering capabilities, we perform the search using the Qdrant API rather than the Qdrant node. When the AI Agent, needs to pull full wording or extracts, we can use Qdrant's scroll API and metadata filtering to do so. This makes Qdrant behave like a key-value store for our document. Requirements A Qdrant instance is required for the vector store and specifically for it's filtering functionality. account for Embeddings and AI models. Customising this workflow Depending on your use-case, consider returning actual PDF pages (or links) to the user for the extra confirmation and to build trust. Not using Mistral? You are able to replace but note to match the distance and dimension size of Qdrant collection to your chosen embedding model.

Supported Actions

Compress files into a zip or gzip archive
Decompress zip or gzip archives

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