n8n support

There are multiple support options for n8n. Learn more about our forum and email support.

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Forum support

Free for all n8n users

Our forum is like no other - with our engineers regularly answering topics on the forum, plus a large active community of n8n experts, you'll find all the help you need there.
Whether you're a cloud user, self-hosting or still testing n8n in a trial, we're happy to help you with your technical questions and share the knowledge with the whole community.

Forum stats in the last 30 days


8.91 hrs

average response time



of questions answered



number of active community members

Email support

Enterprise & Power plan users

We get it, sometimes email is just easier. That is why our Enterprise users and Power users get access to email support for technical doubts. Email your questions directly to [email protected] and our team will be happy to help.

If you're on any other cloud plan, please feel free to email if you're having admin & billing issues, but for technical help, please refer to our forum.

Our focus is during Berlin business hours (CET), but if you are in a different time zone feel free to reach out whenever you need and we will get back to you as soon as possible.