Slack node

Find and share mentions from Twitter and Slack

Published 2 years ago

Created by



IT Ops

Template description

This workflow searches for mentions of a company's name on Twitter and shares the tweets that mention it in a Slack channel.



  • Cron node executes the workflow every 10 minutes. Note that if you change the Mode from "Every X" you will need to manually update the Date & Time node to subtract the interval you are using.
  • Set nodes set the required values (name of the Slack channel, name of the Twitter account to search for, the tweet text and URL).
  • Date & Time node subtracts 10 minutes from the workflow execution time.
  • Twitter node gets the latest 50 tweets that mention the specified account.
  • IF node filters tweets posted in the past 10 minutes.
  • Slack node posts tweets in a Slack channel.

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