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integration Summarize node

Integrate Summarize with 500+ apps and services

n8n lets you connect Summarize with hundreds of other apps. Create sophisticated automations between Summarize and your stack.

Popular ways to use Summarize integration

Default Data Loader node
Summarize node
Supabase Vector Store node
Embeddings OpenAI node
Notion Trigger node

Store Notion's Pages as Vector Documents into Supabase with OpenAI

Workflow updated on 17/06/2024:** Added 'Summarize' node to avoid creating a row for each Notion content block in the Supabase table.* Store Notion's Pages as Vector Documents into Supabase This workflow assumes you have a Supabase project with a table that has a vector column. If you don't have it, follow the instructions here: Supabase Vector Columns Guide Workflow Description This workflow automates the process of storing Notion pages as vector documents in a Supabase database with a vector column. The steps are as follows: Notion Page Added Trigger: Monitors a specified Notion database for newly added pages. You can create a specific Notion database where you copy the pages you want to store in Supabase. Node: Page Added in Notion Database Retrieve Page Content: Fetches all block content from the newly added Notion page. Node: Get Blocks Content Filter Non-Text Content: Excludes blocks of type "image" and "video" to focus on textual content. Node: Filter - Exclude Media Content Summarize Content: Concatenates the Notion blocks content to create a single text for embedding. Node: Summarize - Concatenate Notion's blocks content Store in Supabase: Stores the processed documents and their embeddings into a Supabase table with a vector column. Node: Store Documents in Supabase Generate Embeddings: Utilizes OpenAI's API to generate embeddings for the textual content. Node: Generate Text Embeddings Create Metadata and Load Content: Loads the block content and creates associated metadata, such as page ID and block ID. Node: Load Block Content & Create Metadata Split Content into Chunks: Divides the text into smaller chunks for easier processing and embedding generation. Node: Token Splitter
Summarize node
Split Out node
Aggregate node
Code node
n8n node

Check if workflows contain build-in nodes that are not of the latest version

How it works it will return workflows that have buil-in nodes not of latest version with information of node name, type, current version and latest version for that type Set up steps: You need to have n8n credentials set, you can get n8n API key under settings set your instance base URL in "instance base url" node Disclamar: Only check build-in nodes, community nodes are not supported

Over 3000 companies switch to n8n every single week

Connect Summarize with your company’s tech stack and create automation workflows

We're using the @n8n_io cloud for our internal automation tasks since the beta started. It's awesome! Also, support is super fast and always helpful. 🤗

in other news I installed @n8n_io tonight and holy moly it’s good

it’s compatible with EVERYTHING

Last week I automated much of the back office work for a small design studio in less than 8hrs and I am still mind-blown about it.

n8n is a game-changer and should be known by all SMBs and even enterprise companies.

Implement complex processes faster with n8n

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