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integration Zep Vector Store node

Integrate LangChain Zep Vector Store in your LLM apps and 422+ apps and services

Use Zep Vector Store to easily build AI-powered applications with LangChain and integrate them with 422+ apps and services. n8n lets you seamlessly import data from files, websites, or databases into your LLM-powered application and create automated scenarios.

Supported modes

Get Many
Get many ranked documents from vector store for query
Insert Documents
Insert documents into vector store
Retrieve Documents (For Agent/Chain)
Retrieve documents from vector store to be used with AI nodes
Zep Vector Store node

About Zep Vector Store

Related categories

Similar integrations

  • Wikipedia node
  • OpenAI Chat Model node
  • Postgres Chat Memory node
  • Pinecone Vector Store node
  • Embeddings OpenAI node
  • Supabase: Insert node
  • OpenAI node
  • Default Data Loader node

Over 3000 companies switch to n8n every single week

Connect Zep Vector Store with your company’s tech stack and create automation workflows

Last week I automated much of the back office work for a small design studio in less than 8hrs and I am still mind-blown about it.

n8n is a game-changer and should be known by all SMBs and even enterprise companies.

We're using the @n8n_io cloud for our internal automation tasks since the beta started. It's awesome! Also, support is super fast and always helpful. 🤗

in other news I installed @n8n_io tonight and holy moly it’s good

it’s compatible with EVERYTHING