Google Sheets node
Merge node

Get all members of a Discord server with a specific role

Published 2 months ago

Created by

Niklas Hatje


Building Blocks

Template description

Use Case

This workflow retrieves all members of a Discord server or guild who have a specific role.

Due to limitations in the Discord API, it only returns a limited number of users per call. To overcome this, the workflow uses Google Sheets to track which user we received last to return all Members (of a certain role) from a Discord server in batches of 100 members.


  1. Add your Google Sheets and Discord credentials.
  2. Create a Google Sheets document that contains ID as a column. We're using this to remember which member we received last.
  3. Edit the fields in the setup node Setup: Edit this to get started. You can read up on how to get the Discord IDs via this link.
  4. Link to your Discord server in the Discord nodes
  5. Activate the workflow
  6. Call the production webhook URL in your browser


  • Admin rights in the Discord server and access to the developer portal of discord
  • Google Sheets
  • Minimum n8n version 1.28.0

Potential Use cases

  • Writing a direct message to all members of a certain role
  • Analysing user growth on Discord regularly
  • Analysing role distributions on Discord regularly
  • Saving new members in a Discord
  • ...


Discord API, Getting all members from Discord via API, Google Sheets and Discord automation, How to get all Discord members via API

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