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integration integration
integration Merge node

Integrate Merge with 500+ apps and services

n8n lets you connect Merge with hundreds of other apps. Create sophisticated automations between Merge and your stack.

Popular ways to use Merge integration

Merge node
HTTP Request node
GitHub node

Save your workflows into a GitHub repository

Basics Provides a mechanism to save all your workflows into a github repository and path (of your choosing). These can then be shared through your entire org and used to track changes (if you make any sad 'oopsies'. Flow Obtains and creates listing of currently configured workflows. Iterates through each workflow looking at the following Github source (if present) Actual workflow code (from N8N) Workflow code is sorted and compared for any changes If changed (or new) the workflows are saved / archived into github. Configuration Most of the configuration is done in the Globals node which houses the repo detail for github nodes. The only other dependency is that it by default looks for a GitHub credential, if you use something other than that precise wording you will need to change the credential used on the respective nodes. We gave it 'Manage' rights, but that was only so that it was able to override a requirement for checks to complete? Most would probably only need 'Write' privileges. Background Well, so we initially started using N8N just as a kubernetes-based service housed with its DB running inside the pod. Worked great for getting to know N8N and we jut kept all our workflows and credentials listed in a readme. Fast forward about a year... We have migrated this into our 'production' toolsets and maintain a bunch of team worflows inside it (not company-wide, but LOTS of team fun). While trying to spin a copy of our production RDS database, the ++actual++ production database was deleted, and in doing so AWS was nice enough to wipe our snapshots too!! Yea! Thankfully it only took us a few hours to get everything back up and running thanks to this, so I'm sharing it for everyone to benefit. We have used it to restore old workflows, changes, and now to test our full DR proceedures! (Ok, I might have taken that a bit far)
Brian Burnett
Code node
NocoDB node
Spotify node
Merge node

Add liked songs to a Spotify monthly playlist

🎶 Add liked songs to a monthly playlist > This Workflow is a port of Add saved songs to a monthly playlist from IFTTT. When you like a song, the workflow will save this song in a monthly playlist. E.g.: It's June 2024, I liked a song. The workflow will save this song in a playlist called June '24. If this playlist does not exist, the workflow will create it for me. ⚙ How it works Each 5 minutes, the workflow will start automatically. He will do 3 things : Get the last 10 songs you saved in the "Liked song" playlist (by clicking on the heart in the app) and save them in a NocoDB table (of course, the workflow avoid to create duplicates). Check if the monthly playlist is already created. Otherwise, the playlist is created. The created playlist is also saved in NocoDB to avoid any problems. Check if the monthly playlist contains all the song liked this month by getting them from NocoDB. If they are not present, add them one by one in the playlist. You may have a question regarding the need of NocoDB. Over the last few weeks/months, I've had duplication problems in my playlists and some playlists have been created twice because Spotify wasn't returning all the information but only partial information. Having the database means I don't have to rely on Spotify's data but on my own, which is accurate and represents reality. 📝 Prerequisites You need to have : Spotify API keys, which you can obtain by creating a Spotify application here: Create a NocoDB API token 📚 Instructions Follow the instructions below Create your Spotify API credential Create your NocoDB credential Populate all Spotify nodes with your credentials Populate all Spotify nodes with your credentials Enjoy ! If you need help, feel free to ping me on the N8N Discord server or send me a DM at "LucasAlt" Show your support Share your workflow on X and mention @LucasCtrlAlt Consider buying me a coffee 😉
Google Drive Trigger node
AWS S3 node
Merge node

Sync data between Google Drive and AWS S3

This workflow synchronizes files one-way from Google Drive to AWS S3. Google Drive Trigger node** triggers the workflow when a new file is added to the drive. AWS S3 node** gets all files stored in an S3 bucket. Merge node** merges the files from Google Drive and AWS S3 by key (file name) and keeps only the new file. AWS S3 node** uploads the new file in the S3 bucket.
Orbit node
Merge node
Google Sheets node

Move metrics from Google Sheets to Orbit

Moving metrics from Google Sheets to Orbit
HubSpot node
Pipedrive node
Merge node

One-way sync between Pipedrive and HubSpot

This workflow synchronizes data one-way from Pipedrive to HubSpot. Cron node** schedules the workflow to run every minute. Pipedrive* and *Hubspot1 nodes pull in both lists of persons from Pipedrive and contacts from HubSpot. Merge node* with the option *Remove Key Matches identifies the items that uniquely exist in Pipedrive. Hubspot2 node** takes those unique items and adds them to HubSpot.
Notion node
Webhook node
Merge node

Create a new team for a project in Notion

Creates a new team for a project from webhook form data. When the project is created the current semester is added to it's relation attribute. More info can be found on using this workflow as part of a larger system here.
Will Stenzel

Supported modes

Output items of each input, one after the other
Merge matching items together
SQL Query
Write a query to do the merge
Choose Branch
Output data from a specific branch, without modifying it

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We're using the @n8n_io cloud for our internal automation tasks since the beta started. It's awesome! Also, support is super fast and always helpful. 🤗

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