Ollama Chat Model node

Chat with local LLMs using n8n and Ollama

Published 1 month ago

Created by

Mihai Farcas



Template description

Chat with local LLMs using n8n and Ollama

This n8n workflow allows you to seamlessly interact with your self-hosted Large Language Models (LLMs) through a user-friendly chat interface. By connecting to Ollama, a powerful tool for managing local LLMs, you can send prompts and receive AI-generated responses directly within n8n.

Use cases

  • Private AI Interactions
    Ideal for scenarios where data privacy and confidentiality are important.
  • Cost-Effective LLM Usage
    Avoid ongoing cloud API costs by running models on your own hardware.
  • Experimentation & Learning
    A great way to explore and experiment with different LLMs in a local, controlled environment.
  • Prototyping & Development
    Build and test AI-powered applications without relying on external services.

How it works

  1. When chat message received: Captures the user's input from the chat interface.
  2. Chat LLM Chain: Sends the input to the Ollama server and receives the AI-generated response.
  3. Delivers the LLM's response back to the chat interface.

Set up steps

  • Make sure Ollama is installed and running on your machine before executing this workflow.
  • Edit the Ollama address if different from the default.

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