HTTP Request node

AI Agent with charts capabilities using OpenAI Structured Output and

Published 13 days ago

Created by

Agent Studio


Building Blocks

Template description

This workflow is an experiment to integrate charts in AI Agents, using the new Structured Output from OpenAI and

How it works

  • Users chat with an AI Agent.
  • Anytime the AI Agent considers a chart is needed, it calls a tool to generate a chart
  • OpenAI generates a chart using the Quickchart definition
  • This object is added at the end of a URL (see documentation)
  • The url is added in the conversation via the AI Agent as markdown.

Set up steps

  • Create an OpenAI API Key
  • Create the OpenAI credentials
  • Use the credentials for the HTTP Request node (as Predefined Credential type)
  • Activate your workflow
  • Start chatting
  • For example, you can ask the AI Agent to generate a chart about the top 5 movies at the box office
  • Start exploring the limits

Shout-out is an amazing open source project that provides a free API to test. Go check them out!

Example of chart
Screenshot 20240904 at 14.08.29.png

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