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integration integration

Integrate Execute Workflow Trigger with 500+ apps and services

n8n lets you connect Execute Workflow Trigger with hundreds of other apps. Create sophisticated automations between Execute Workflow Trigger and your stack.

Popular ways to use Execute Workflow Trigger integration

Code node
Gmail node
Google Sheets node

Gmail campaign sender: Bulk-send emails and follow up automatically if no reply

This workflow allows you to send multi-step email campaigns using n8n, Gmail and Google Sheets. You define a sequence of emails, and a list of email addresses to send them to. The first email is sent to everyone, but the later emails in the sequence are only sent if no-one has replied to the thread yet. This means you only need to worry about replying to people who respond to your email, not chasing people who don’t. Requirements A list of emails in a Google sheet. You can define extra info that will be available to your email templates (e.g. name, company, etc.) A sequence of emails to send, plus how long to wait to send each one, e.g. On day 0:** “Hi, {name} — nice to meet you at the conference. Was wondering whether {company} would be interested in a quick call about X?” On day 3:** “Hi, {name}, just wanted to check in on this. Let me know if there’s any interest!” On day 7:** “{name}, just wanted to give this one last try” A Gmail account (although you could also swap out that part for any other email service) How it works When sending the emails, n8n inserts a hidden attribute in each one that tags it as being part of the email campaign. It then regularly looks through the email threads with that tag and checks whether: No-one has replied yet It’s time to send the next message The workflow doesn’t send emails on weekends. Notes This workflow is not intended for spam! Please use responsibly You can use this workflow for multiple different campaigns by making copies of the workflow and changing the sequence / Google Sheet that it uses
David Roberts
OpenAI Chat Model node
Code node
Google Sheets node

Chat with a Google Sheet using AI

This workflow allows you to ask questions about the data in a Google Sheet over a chat interface. It uses n8n's built-in chat, but could be modified to work with Slack, Teams, WhatsApp, etc. Behind the scenes, the workflow uses GPT4, so you'll need to have an OpenAI API key that supports it. How it works The workflow uses an AI agent with custom tools that call a sub-workflow. That sub-workflow reads the Google Sheet and returns information from it. Because models have a context window (and therefore a maximum number of characters they can accept), we can't pass the whole Google Sheet to GPT - at least not for big sheets. So we provide three ways of querying less data, that can be used in combination to answer questions. Those three functions are: List all the columns in the sheet Get all values of a single column Get all values of a single row Note that to use this template, you need to be on n8n version 1.19.4 or later.
David Roberts
Code node
Merge node

OpenAI assistant with custom tools

This workflow shows how you can get your OpenAI assistant to call an n8n workflow as a tool. Since you can put almost any functionality in an n8n workflow, this means you can give your assistant access to almost any data source. Note that to use this template, you need to be on n8n version 1.19.4 or later.
David Roberts
Qdrant Vector Store node
Mistral Cloud Chat Model node
Embeddings Mistral Cloud node
Default Data Loader node
HTML node

Recipe Recommendations with Qdrant and Mistral

This n8n workflow demonstrates creating a recipe recommendation chatbot using the Qdrant vector store recommendation API. Use this example to build recommendation features in your AI Agents for your users. How it works For our recipes, we'll use HelloFresh's weekly course and recipes for data. We'll scrape the website for this data. Each recipe is split, vectorised and inserted into a Qdrant Collection using Mistral Embeddings Additionally the whole recipe is stored in a SQLite database for later retrieval. Our AI Agent is setup to recommend recipes from our Qdrant vector store. However, instead of the default similarity search, we'll use the Recommendation API instead. Qdrant's Recommendation API allows you to provide a negative prompt; in our case, the user can specify recipes or ingredients to avoid. The AI Agent is now able to suggest a recipe recommendation better suited for the user and increase customer satisfaction. Requirements Qdrant vector store instance to save the recipes account for embeddings and LLM agent Customising the workflow This workflow can work for a variety of different audiences. Try different sets of data such as clothes, sports shoes, vehicles or even holidays.
Code node
Webhook node
Slack node
Postgres node
Merge node

🤖 Advanced Slackbot with n8n

Use case Slackbots are super powerful. At n8n, we have been using them to get a lot done.. But it can become hard to manage and maintain many different operations that a workflow can do. This is the base workflow we use for our most powerful internal Slackbots. They handle a lot from running e2e tests for Github branch to deleting a user. By splitting the workflow into many subworkflows, we are able to handle each command seperately, making it easier to debug as well as support new usecases. In this template, you can find eveything to setup your own Slackbot (and I made it simple, there's only one node to configure 😉). After that, you need to build your commands directly. This bot can create a new thread on an alerts channel and respond there. Or reply directly to the user. It responds for help request to return a help page. It automatically handles unknown commands. It also supports flags and environment variables. For example /cloudbot-test info mutasem --full-info -e env=prod would give you the following info, when calling subworkflow. How to setup Add Slack command and point it up to the webhook. For example. Add the following to the Set config node alerts_channel with alerts channel to start threads on instance_url with this instance url to make it easy to debug slack_token with slack bot token to validate request slack_secret_signature with slack secret signature to validate request help_docs_url with help url to help users understand the commands Build other workflows to call and add them to commands in Set Config. Each command must be mapped to a workflow id with an Execute Workflow Trigger node Activate workflow 🚀 How to adjust Add your own commands. Depending on your need, you might need to lock down who can call this.
Split Out node
Aggregate node
Code node node
Merge node

Retrieve a row and all data in a single node

This workflow is a building block designed to be called from other workflows via an Execute workflow node. When called from another workflow, and given the JSON input of a "pulse" field with the ID to pull from monday, this workflow will return: The items name and ID All column data, indexable by the column name All column data, indexable by the column's ID string All board relation columns, with their data and column values All subitems, with their data and column values For example: ++Prerequisites++ A account and credential A workflow that needs to get detailed data from a row The pulse id of the row to retreive data from. ++Setup++ Import the workflow Configure all monday nodes with your credentials and save the workflow Copy the workflow ID from it's URL In a different workflow, add an Edit Fields node, to output the field "pulse", with the monday item you want to retrieve. Feed the Edit Fields node with your pulse into an Execute workflow node, and paste the workflow ID from above into it This "pulse" field will tell the workflow what pulse to retreive. This can be populated by an expression in your workflow There is an example of the Edit Fields and Execute Workflow nodes in the template
Joey D’Anna

Supported events

Workflow Call
When called by another workflow using Execute Workflow Trigger

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Last week I automated much of the back office work for a small design studio in less than 8hrs and I am still mind-blown about it.

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