It is very convenient to add expenses via simple chat message. This workflow attempts to do exactly this using AI-powered n8n magic!
Send message to a chat, something like "car wash; 59.3 usd; 25 jan 2024"
And get a response:
Your expense saved, here is the output of save sub-workflow:{"cost":59.3,"descr":"car wash","date":"2024-01-25","msg":"car wash; 59.3 usd; 25 jan 2024"}
LLM will smartly parse your message to structured JSON and save the expense as a new row into Google Sheet!
Clone this Sheet:
(File -> Make a copy)
Choose this sheet into "Save expense into Google Sheets" node.
open "Parse msg and save to Sheets" node (which is an n8n sub-workflow executor tool) and make sure the SAME workflow is chosen in the dropdown. it will allow n8n to locate and call "Workflow Input Trigger" properly when needed.
Sent message to chat, something like "car wash; 59.3 usd; 25 jan 2024"
you should get a response:
Your expense saved, here is the output of save sub-workflow:{"cost":59.3,"descr":"car wash","date":"2024-01-25","msg":"car wash; 59.3 usd; 25 jan 2024"}
and new row in Google sheets should be inserted!