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Classify lemlist replies using OpenAI and automate reply handling

Published 2 months ago

Created by

Lucas Perret



Template description

Who this is for

This workflow is for sales people who want to quickly and efficiently follow up with their leads

What this workflow does

This workflow starts every time a new reply is received in lemlist. It then classifies the response using openAI and creates the correct follow up task. The follow-up tasks currently include:

  • Slack alerts when a lead for each new replies
  • Tag interested leads in lemlist
  • Unsubscription of leads when they request it

The Slack alerts include:

  • Lead email address
  • Sender email address
  • Reply type (positive, not interested...etc)
  • A preview of the reply


To set this template up, simply follow the stickies steps in it

How to customize this workflow to your needs

  • Adjust the follow up tasks to your needs
  • Change the Slack notification to your needs
  • ...

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