Google Sheets node
Facebook Graph API node

Get Meta Ads insights and save them into Google Sheets

Published 1 month ago

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Template description

Pull data using the Facebook Graph API and get your Meta Ads insights into your Google Sheets for analysis.

Get metrics like impressions, spend, reach, conversions, CTR, and CPC.

Automate your data collection.

Who is this template for?

Marketing professionals looking to analyze Meta Ads data.

You can also replace the Google Sheets node for a database node like MySQL or Postgres, and then use your BI tool (Power BI, Looker Studio, Tableau) to analyze the data.

How it works

Every day at 3am, the flow gets Meta Ads insights from the previous day and saves them to Google Sheets.

How to set up

All information you need to set up this workflow is already inside the template.

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