HTTP Request node
Merge node

Create Snapshot of Contabo VPS instances on a daily basis

Published 1 month ago

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Template description

Workflow: Snapshot Contabo

How it Works

This workflow automates daily backups (snapshots) of VPS instances hosted on Contabo. Each day at midnight, it checks for existing snapshots and ensures that only the latest backups are retained by removing older ones. It provides a seamless, hands-off backup process to keep your data secure.

Setup Steps

Setting up this workflow is quick, typically taking about 10-15 minutes. The essential part of the setup is providing the necessary credentials, which you can easily retrieve from your Contabo control panel.

  1. Import the Workflow: Download and upload the workflow JSON into n8n.
  2. Configure Credentials: Add CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, API_USER, and API_PASSWORD in the credential node.
  3. Activate the Workflow: Enable it to run automatically at midnight every day.

Flow Overview

  • Schedule Trigger (00:00 daily): Automatically initiates the workflow.
  • Formatted Date: Prepares a timestamp for naming the snapshot.
  • List Snapshots: Verifies if an existing snapshot is available for each VPS.
  • Conditional Logic:
    • No Snapshot? Proceeds to create a new one.
    • Snapshot Found? Deletes the old snapshot before creating a new one.

Key Points

  • Snapshot Retention: Old snapshots are deleted to ensure only the latest backups are stored.
  • Unique Identifiers: UUIDs are used to track and guarantee unique operations.

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GitHub node
HTTP Request node
Merge node

Backup workflows to GitHub

Note: This workflow uses the internal API which is not official. This workflow might break in the future. The workflow executes every night at 23:59. You can configure a different time bin the Cron node. Configure the GitHub nodes with your username, repo name, and the file path. In the HTTP Request nodes (making a request to localhost:5678), create Basic Auth credentials with your n8n instance username and password.

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