Published 5 months ago
I prepared a detailed guide that showed the whole process of building an AI bot, from the simplest version to the most complex in a template.
This workflow is ideal for developers, chatbot enthusiasts, and businesses looking to build a dynamic Telegram bot with memory capabilities. The bot leverages OpenAI's assistant to interact with users and stores user data in Supabase for personalized conversations.
Many simple chatbots lack context awareness and user memory. This workflow solves that by integrating Supabase to keep track of user sessions (via telegram_id
and openai_thread_id
), allowing the bot to maintain continuity and context in conversations, leading to a more human-like and engaging experience.
This Telegram bot template connects with OpenAI to answer user queries while storing and retrieving user information from a Supabase database. The memory component ensures that the bot can reference past interactions, making it suitable for use cases such as customer support, virtual assistants, or any application where context retention is crucial.
1.Receive New Message: The bot listens for incoming messages from users in Telegram.
2. Check User in Database: The workflow checks if the user is already in the Supabase database using the telegram_id
3. Create New User (if necessary): If the user does not exist, a new record is created in Supabase with the telegram_id and a unique openai_thread_id
4. Start or Continue Conversation with OpenAI: Based on the user’s context, the bot either creates a new thread or continues an existing one using the stored openai_thread_id
5. Merge Data: User-specific data and conversation context are merged.
6. Send and Receive Messages: The message is sent to OpenAI, and the response is received and processed.
7. Reply to User: The bot sends OpenAI’s response back to the user in Telegram.
with the following SQL query:create table
public.telegram_users (
id uuid not null default gen_random_uuid (),
date_created timestamp with time zone not null default (now() at time zone 'utc'::text),
telegram_id bigint null,
openai_thread_id text null,
constraint telegram_users_pkey primary key (id)
) tablespace pg_default;