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Post to an XMLRPC API via the HTTP Request node

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Last update a month ago


What this does

  • Show you how to us XMLRPC APIs via the generic HTTP-Request-node, by the example of posting to a wordpress blog
  • This is also a feasible workaround if a specific n8n integration does not work or stops working (which happens e.g. with the Wordpress node)

How it works

  • First, the XML payload for the request is being prepared (in a code node, which also properly escapes special character in the values that you want to send to the XMLRPC endpoint)
  • Then, the HTTP Request node sends the request using the HTTP post method
  • Last, the returned XML response is converted to JSON which a conditional node uses to determine whether th operation was successful or not

Setup steps:

  • Import workflow
  • Ensure you have a wordpress blog with a user that has an app-Password
  • Edit the "Settings"-node and enter your individual values for url/user/app-pw