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integration integration

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n8n lets you connect No Operation, do nothing with hundreds of other apps. Create sophisticated automations between No Operation, do nothing and your stack.

Popular ways to use No Operation, do nothing integration

Google Cloud Natural Language node
X (Formerly Twitter) node
MongoDB node
Slack node
Postgres node

ETL pipeline for text processing

This workflow allows you to collect tweets, store them in MongoDB, analyse their sentiment, insert them into a Postgres database, and post positive tweets in a Slack channel. Cron node: Schedule the workflow to run every day Twitter node: Collect tweets MongoDB node: Insert the collected tweets in MongoDB Google Cloud Natural Language node: Analyse the sentiment of the collected tweets Set node: Extract the sentiment score and magnitude Postgres node: Insert the tweets and their sentiment score and magnitude in a Posgres database IF node: Filter tweets with positive and negative sentiment scores Slack node: Post tweets with a positive sentiment score in a Slack channel NoOp node: Ignore tweets with a negative sentiment score
Typeform Trigger node
Trello node
Airtable node

Get product feedback and create ticket on Trello

AWS Comprehend node
Mattermost node
Typeform Trigger node

Analyze feedback using AWS Comprehend and send it to a Mattermost channel

This workflow analyzes the sentiments of the feedback provided by users and sends them to a Mattermost channel. Typeform Trigger node: Whenever a user submits a response to the Typeform, the Typeform Trigger node will trigger the workflow. The node returns the response that the user has submitted in the form. AWS Comprehend node: This node analyses the sentiment of the response the user has provided and gives a score. IF node: The IF node uses the data provided by the AWS Comprehend node and checks if the sentiment is negative. If the sentiment is negative we get the result as true, otherwise false. Mattermost node: If the score is negative, the IF node returns true and the true branch of the IF node is executed. We connect the Mattermost node with the true branch of the IF node. Whenever the score of the sentiment analysis is negative, the node gets executed and a message is posted on a channel in Mattermost. NoOp: This node here is optional, as the absence of this node won't make a difference to the functioning of the workflow. This workflow can be used by Product Managers to analyze the feedback of the product. The workflow can also be used by HR to analyze employee feedback. You can even use this node for sentiment analysis of Tweets. To perform a sentiment analysis of Tweets, replace the Typeform Trigger node with the Twitter node. Note: You will need a Trigger node or Start node to start the workflow. Instead of posting a message on Mattermost, you can save the results in a database or a Google Sheet, or Airtable. Replace the Mattermost node with (or add after the Mattermost node) the node of your choice to add the result to your database.

Load data into spreadsheet or database

This workflow is a generic example of how to load data from your workflow into a destination that stores tabular data. For example, a Google Sheets or Airtable sheet, a .CSV file, or any relational database like MySQL. Generally, you need to ensure that you send well-formatted data into the Spreadsheet or Database node. You can use the Set or Function node to transform data into the correct format for your destination. Key concepts Spreadsheets and databases have columns, like "Name" and "Email". The data you send into a Spreadsheet/ Database node needs to match these column names for each row of data that you want to insert. Data points need to be represented as key-value pairs. Specifically, each item of data needs to have a JSON key for each column in the sheet. For a spreadsheet with "Name" and "Email" columns, it would look like: {"Name" : "Karla", "Email" : "[email protected]"} Before appending or inserting data to a spreadsheet or database, you might need to transform it into the correct format. You can preprocess the data with a Set or Function node. The Set node allows you to perform simple transforms when the data you want to load into spreadsheet rows is already represented as items. Use the Function node when you need to map nested data (like arrays) inside a single item to their own top-level items (Example in community forums). Spreadsheet and database nodes in n8n perform their configured action (like Append, Create Row, Write to File) on each item of input data. Workflow walkthrough
Max Tkacz
Kafka Trigger node
Vonage node

Receive messages from a topic via Kafka and send an SMS

Merge node
HTTP Request node
GitHub node

Save your workflows into a GitHub repository

Basics Provides a mechanism to save all your workflows into a github repository and path (of your choosing). These can then be shared through your entire org and used to track changes (if you make any sad 'oopsies'. Flow Obtains and creates listing of currently configured workflows. Iterates through each workflow looking at the following Github source (if present) Actual workflow code (from N8N) Workflow code is sorted and compared for any changes If changed (or new) the workflows are saved / archived into github. Configuration Most of the configuration is done in the Globals node which houses the repo detail for github nodes. The only other dependency is that it by default looks for a GitHub credential, if you use something other than that precise wording you will need to change the credential used on the respective nodes. We gave it 'Manage' rights, but that was only so that it was able to override a requirement for checks to complete? Most would probably only need 'Write' privileges. Background Well, so we initially started using N8N just as a kubernetes-based service housed with its DB running inside the pod. Worked great for getting to know N8N and we jut kept all our workflows and credentials listed in a readme. Fast forward about a year... We have migrated this into our 'production' toolsets and maintain a bunch of team worflows inside it (not company-wide, but LOTS of team fun). While trying to spin a copy of our production RDS database, the ++actual++ production database was deleted, and in doing so AWS was nice enough to wipe our snapshots too!! Yea! Thankfully it only took us a few hours to get everything back up and running thanks to this, so I'm sharing it for everyone to benefit. We have used it to restore old workflows, changes, and now to test our full DR proceedures! (Ok, I might have taken that a bit far)
Brian Burnett

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Last week I automated much of the back office work for a small design studio in less than 8hrs and I am still mind-blown about it.

n8n is a game-changer and should be known by all SMBs and even enterprise companies.

We're using the @n8n_io cloud for our internal automation tasks since the beta started. It's awesome! Also, support is super fast and always helpful. 🤗

in other news I installed @n8n_io tonight and holy moly it’s good

it’s compatible with EVERYTHING

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