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integration Github Trigger node

Integrate Github Trigger with 500+ apps and services

Unlock Github Trigger’s full potential with n8n, connecting it to similar Development apps and over 1000 other services. Automate productivity workflows by scheduling tasks, managing project timelines, and tracking progress across platforms. Create adaptable and scalable workflows between Github Trigger and your stack. All within a building experience you will love.

Popular ways to use Github Trigger integration

Github Trigger node
Slack node

Send selected GitHub events to Slack

Gets triggered by GitHub once a user stars/unstars a repository Checks if star got added or removed and forwards data depending on that Sends notification to Slack
Jan Oberhauser
Github Trigger node
Slack node

Notify a team channel about new software releases via Slack and GitHub

This workflow automatically notifies the team in a Slack channel when code in a GitHub repository gets a new release. Prerequisites A GitHub account and credentials A Slack account and credentials Nodes GitHub Trigger node triggers the workflow when a release event takes place in the specified repository. Slack node posts a message in a specified channel with the text "New release is available in {repository name}", along with further details and a link to the release.
Github Trigger node

Receive updates for GitHub events

Companion workflow for Github Trigger node docs
Github Trigger node
TravisCI node

Trigger a build in Travis CI when code changes are push to a GitHub repo

This workflow allows you to trigger a build in Travis CI when code changes are pushed to a GitHub repo or a pull request gets opened. GitHub Trigger node: This node will trigger the workflow when changes are pushed or when a pull request is created, updated, or deleted. IF node: This node checks for the action type. We want to trigger a build when code changes are pushed or when a pull request is opened. We don't want to build the project when a PR is closed or updated. TravisCI node: This node will trigger the build in Travis CI. If you're using CircleCI in your pipeline, replace the node with the CircleCI node. NoOp node: Adding this node is optional.
GitHub node
Github Trigger node

Assign issues to interested contributors

This workflow handles the incoming issues and issues comments for your open-source project. If a contributor is interested, the workflow will assign them the issue. Note: For organizations, you will have to use the Webhook node to trigger the workflow. You will also have to use the HTTP Request node instead of the regular GitHub node. You can learn more about this workflow by reading the blog on
GitHub node
Github Trigger node

Automate assigning GitHub issues

This workflow assigns a user to an issue if they include "assign me" when opening or commenting. To use this workflow you will need to update the credentials used for the Github nodes.

Supported events

Any time any event is triggered (Wildcard Event)
Check Run
Triggered when a check run is created, rerequested, completed, or has a requested_action
Check Suite
Triggered when a check suite is completed, requested, or rerequested
Commit Comment
Triggered when a commit comment is created
Represents a created repository, branch, or tag
Represents a deleted branch or tag
Deploy Key
Triggered when a deploy key is added or removed from a repository
Represents a deployment
Deployment Status
Represents a deployment status
Triggered when a user forks a repository
Github App Authorization
Triggered when someone revokes their authorization of a GitHub App
Triggered when a Wiki page is created or updated
Triggered when someone installs (created), uninstalls (deleted), or accepts new permissions (new_permissions_accepted) for a GitHub App. When a GitHub App owner requests new permissions, the person who installed the GitHub App must accept the new permissions request.
Installation Repositories
Triggered when a repository is added or removed from an installation
Issue Comment
Triggered when an issue comment is created, edited, or deleted
Triggered when an issue is opened, edited, deleted, transferred, pinned, unpinned, closed, reopened, assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, locked, unlocked, milestoned, or demilestoned
Triggered when a repository's label is created, edited, or deleted
Marketplace Purchase
Triggered when someone purchases a GitHub Marketplace plan, cancels their plan, upgrades their plan (effective immediately), downgrades a plan that remains pending until the end of the billing cycle, or cancels a pending plan change
Triggered when a user accepts an invitation or is removed as a collaborator to a repository, or has their permissions changed
Triggered when a user is added or removed from a team. Organization hooks only.
Triggered when the webhook that this event is configured on is deleted
Triggered when a milestone is created, closed, opened, edited, or deleted
Org Block
Triggered when an organization blocks or unblocks a user. Organization hooks only.
Triggered when an organization is deleted and renamed, and when a user is added, removed, or invited to an organization. Organization hooks only.
Page Build
Triggered on push to a GitHub Pages enabled branch (gh-pages for project pages, master for user and organization pages)
Triggered when a project is created, updated, closed, reopened, or deleted
Project Card
Triggered when a project card is created, edited, moved, converted to an issue, or deleted
Project Column
Triggered when a project column is created, updated, moved, or deleted
Triggered when a private repository is open sourced
Pull Request
Triggered when a pull request is assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, opened, edited, closed, reopened, synchronize, ready_for_review, locked, unlocked, a pull request review is requested, or a review request is removed
Pull Request Review
Triggered when a pull request review is submitted into a non-pending state, the body is edited, or the review is dismissed
Pull Request Review Comment
Triggered when a comment on a pull request's unified diff is created, edited, or deleted (in the Files Changed tab)
Triggered on a push to a repository branch. Branch pushes and repository tag pushes also trigger webhook push events. This is the default event.
Triggered when a release is published, unpublished, created, edited, deleted, or prereleased
Triggered when a repository is created, archived, unarchived, renamed, edited, transferred, made public, or made private. Organization hooks are also triggered when a repository is deleted.
Repository Import
Triggered when a successful, cancelled, or failed repository import finishes for a GitHub organization or a personal repository
Repository Vulnerability Alert
Triggered when a security alert is created, dismissed, or resolved
Security Advisory
Triggered when a new security advisory is published, updated, or withdrawn
Triggered when a star is added or removed from a repository
Triggered when the status of a Git commit changes
Triggered when an organization's team is created, deleted, edited, added_to_repository, or removed_from_repository. Organization hooks only.
Team Add
Triggered when a repository is added to a team
Triggered when someone stars a repository
Github Trigger node

About Github Trigger

GitHub is the number one platform for developers. It boosts their software development and enhances their collaboration options. The tools offered by Github help you automate your tasks and facilitate your work, that is why it is preferred by millions of developers around the world.

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