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integration Gmail Trigger node

Integrate Gmail Trigger with 500+ apps and services

n8n lets you connect Gmail Trigger with hundreds of other apps. Create sophisticated automations between Gmail Trigger and your stack.

Popular ways to use Gmail Trigger integration

Split Out node
Gmail Trigger node
Mailjet node

Forward Netflix emails to multiple email addresses with GMail and Mailjet

Who is this template for? This workflow template is designed for everyone with a Gmail address, who wants to forward all Netflix emails, including temporary login codes, to friends and family effortlessly. How it works Scans your Gmail inbox every minute for new e-mails from Netflix Forwards all Netflix e-mails to all desired e-mail addresses via the e-mail provider Mailjet Setup Steps Connect your Google Mail Account to n8n following the official n8n instructions Add all recipients you want to the recipients array at the "Set all recipients" node. Create and connect your Mailjet Account to n8n following the official n8n instructions. Note: You cannot use an Gmail e-mail address as the sender address, as mailjet does not support this. I recommend using your own email address from a custom domain. This works perfectly.
OpenAI Model node
Gmail Trigger node
Odoo node

Summarize emails and save them as notes on sales opportunity in Odoo

Use Case: This n8n workflow automates the process of extracting information from emails. It uses OpenAI to summarize sales emails and adds this information in Odoo. How it works: When an email is received with a certain label, it sends the email to OpenAI for summarization A sales opportunity is created in Odoo with the email subject as title and the email summary as internal note Set up steps: Configure Google Cloud credentials with Gmail access In the Gmail node, choose an email label in the filter section Configure OpenAI credentials Configure Odoo credentials
Mihai Farcas
HTML node
OpenAI node
Code node
Gmail Trigger node
Respond to Webhook node

Send a ChatGPT email reply and save responses to Google Sheets

This workflow sends a OpenAI GPT reply when an email is received from specific email recipients. It then saves the initial email and the GPT response to an automatically generated Google spreadsheet. Subsequent GPT responses will be added to the same spreadsheet. Additionally, when feedback is given for any of the GPT responses, it will be recorded to the spreasheet, which can then be used later to fine-tune the GPT model. Prerequisites OpenAI credentials Google credentials How it works This workflow is essentially a two-in-one workflow. It triggers off from two different nodes and have very different functionality from each trigger. The flow triggered from On email received node is as follows: Triggers off on the On email received node. Extract the email body from the email. Generate a response from the email body using the OpenAI node. Reply to the email sender using the Send reply to recipient node. A feedback link is also included in the email body which will trigger the On feedback given node. This is used to fine-tune the GPT model. Save the email body and OpenAI response to a Google Sheet. If a sheet does not exist, it will be created. The flow triggered from On feedback given node is as follows: Triggers off when a feedback link is clicked in the emailed GPT response. The feedback, either positive or negative, for that specific GPT response is then recorded to the Google Sheet.
n8n Team
Aggregate node
Convert to File node
OpenAI Chat Model node
Code node
Gmail Trigger node

Transforming Emails into Podcasts

Transforming Emails into Podcasts 🎙️ Check out this channel for example. The n8n workflow described here aims to revolutionize the way users engage with promotional emails by converting them into entertaining audio podcasts. This innovative project leverages automation through n8n to streamline tasks and enhance user experience. Project Benefit 🎧🌟 The primary goal of this project is to transform "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" emails into engaging audio content. By converting text into speech, users can enjoy promotional material hands-free, making it easier to consume information while on the go or relaxing. The workflow consists of several key steps orchestrated seamlessly to deliver a delightful experience to users. How to Use the Workflow: Gmail trigger Node: Initiates the workflow by fetching "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" emails at regular intervals. The Gmail Trigger node in your N8N workflow is set to poll for new emails every minute and is configured to filter emails with the label "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" before triggering the workflow. Steps to Use Filters Inside the Gmail Trigger Node: Configure Gmail Trigger Node: Set "Poll Times" to "Every Minute" to check for new emails at regular intervals. Enable the "Simple" toggle if you want to simplify the node interface. Under "Filters", specify the label IDs you want to filter by. In this case, it's set to "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS". Adjust any additional options as needed. // Configure Gmail Trigger node pollTimes: { item: [ { mode: "everyMinute" } ] }, simple: false, filters: { labelIds: [ "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" ] }, options: {} Save and Execute: Save your workflow and execute it to start monitoring your Gmail account for new emails with the specified label filter. By following these steps, your workflow will effectively trigger based on new emails that match the "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" label in your Gmail account. Get message content Node: Extracts the email content for processing. Summarization Chain Node: Generates concise summaries using advanced methods for better readability. Delete the unnecessary items Node: Removes irrelevant details from the email content. Text to Free TTS Node: Converts the summary text into speech using Free TTS technology. Convert from base64 to File Node: Transforms the audio data into a compatible file format. Merge Text with Audio Node: Combines the text and audio components seamlessly. Aggregate in same cell Node: Gathers all processed data for finalization. Send Message to Telegram Node: Dispatches the audio message along with a caption to a designated Telegram chat ID. By automating these tasks, the workflow ensures efficient communication and delivers content in a more engaging format, fostering a positive user experience. Configuration Instructions: The configuration of this workflow involves setting up the necessary nodes and establishing connections between them. Each node performs a specific function crucial to the overall operation of the workflow. Additionally, credentials need to be provided for accessing Gmail and OpenAI services to enable seamless data processing and summarization. Utilizing Text-to-Speech API 🎧 In addition to n8n automation, an external Text-to-Speech API plays a pivotal role in generating audio content from text data. By sending a POST request with JSON data containing the text and voice preferences, users can quickly receive audio files of the converted content. The API offers a straightforward interface for text-to-speech conversion, making it ideal for creating audio clips efficiently. To access this API, simply submit the desired text and voice selection to receive the generated speech audio file. The API endpoint can be accessed at or through In conclusion, this n8n workflow coupled with a Text-to-Speech API presents a powerful solution for transforming emails into captivating podcasts, enhancing user engagement and communication effectiveness. By embracing automation and innovative technologies, this project aims to improve user experience and streamline content delivery processes. 🌈✨🚀
Code node
Gmail Trigger node
Gmail node
Mautic node

Unsubscribe Mautic contacts from automated unsubscribe emails

Who is this for? This template is designed for businesses and organizations that use Mautic for email marketing and want to automate the process of removing contacts from specific segments when they receive an unsubscribe request via email. What problem is this workflow solving? / use case Many email recipients, especially those who are less tech-savvy, may not follow the standard unsubscribe link provided in emails. Instead, for example in Gmail, they click the "Unsubscribe" button in the Gmail web interface, which in turn sends an email with a consistent format, these emails contain the word unsubscribe in the 'To' field using the following structure: [email protected] This workflow automates the process of identifying such unsubscribe emails and removing the contact from the relevant Mautic segments, ensuring compliance with unsubscribe requests and maintaining a clean mailing list. What this workflow does Monitors a Gmail account for incoming emails. Identifies unsubscribe emails based on specific patterns in the "To" field (e.g., containing the word "unsubscribe"). Retrieves the contact's ID from Mautic based on the email address. Removes the contact from the specified "newsletter" segment in Mautic. Adds the contact to the "unsubscribed" segment in Mautic. Sends a confirmation email to the contact, acknowledging their unsubscribe request. Setup Configure your email address and unsubscribe message in the "Edit Fields" node. Set your credentials in the Gmail trigger and in the Mautic nodes. Set the segments for the "newsletter" and "unsubscribed" in the Mautic nodes. Make sure your n8n installation has a public endpoint for your Gmail trigger to work correctly. Deploy the workflow. How to customize this workflow to your needs Adjust the conditions for identifying unsubscribe emails based on your specific requirements. Modify the segments or actions taken in Mautic according to your desired behavior. Customize the confirmation email message and sender details. Note: This workflow assumes a consistent structure for unsubscribe emails, where the "From" field contains the word "unsubscribe" using the "+" sign. If your email provider follows a different convention, adjust the conditions in the "Is automated unsubscribe?" node accordingly.
Victor Gonzalez
OpenAI node
Code node
Gmail Trigger node
Google Drive node
Merge node

Send specific PDF attachments from Gmail to Google Drive using OpenAI

This workflow reads PDF textual content and sends the text to OpenAI. Attachments of interest will then be uploaded to a specified Google Drive folder. For example, you may wish to send invoices received from an email to an inbox folder in Google Drive for later processing. This workflow has been designed to easily change the search term to match your needs. See the workflow for more details. Prerequisites OpenAI credentials. Google credentials. How it works Triggers off on the On email received node. Iterates over the attachments in the email. Uses the OpenAI node to filter out the attachments that do not match the search term set in the Configure node. You could match on various PDF files (i.e. invoice, receipt, or contract). If the PDF attachment matches the search term, the workflow uses the Google Drive node to upload the PDF attachment to a specific Google Drive folder.
n8n Team

Supported events

Message Received
Gmail Trigger node

About Gmail Trigger

Gmail is a free of charge email service offered as part of Google Workspace. It is used by individuals and organizations to send and receive emails and communicate internally and externally. It remains the world’s most widely used email service.

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