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integration Telegram Trigger node

Integrate Telegram Trigger with 500+ apps and services

n8n lets you connect Telegram Trigger with hundreds of other apps. Create sophisticated automations between Telegram Trigger and your stack.

Popular ways to use Telegram Trigger integration

AWS Textract node
AWS S3 node
Telegram Trigger node
Airtable node

Extract and store text from chat images using AWS S3

This workflow extracts text from images sent in a Telegram chat and uploads the images to AWS S3. Telegram Trigger node** triggers the workflow when an image is sent in a Telegram channel. AWS S3 node** uploads the sent image to an S3 bucket. AWS Textract node** extracts text from the image. Airtable node** adds the extracted text and image information to a table.
Telegram Trigger node
Telegram node

Telegram sticker bot

Gets triggered by Telegram once a user sends a message Checks if the message contains a sticker If a sticker got found it sends a message with its ID else it informs the user that no sticker was found in message
Jan Oberhauser
Telegram Trigger node
GitHub node

Release a new version via Telegram bot command

This workflow allows you to release a new version via a Telegram bot command. This workflow can be used in your Continous Delivery pipeline. Telegram Trigger node: This node will trigger the workflow when a message is sent to the bot. If you want to trigger the workflow via a different messaging platform or a service, replace the Telegram Trigger node with the Trigger node of that service. IF node The IF node checks for the incoming command. If the command is not deploy, the IF node will return false, otherwise true. Set node: This node extracts the value of the version from the Telegram message and sets the value. This value is used later in the workflow. GitHub node: This node creates a new version release. It uses the version from the Set node to create the tag. NoOp node: Adding this node is optional.
ghagrawal17 node
Freshdesk node
Telegram Trigger node
Telegram node

Create ticket on specific customer messages in Telegram

This is a workflow where a support channel on Telegram is being used to gather customer feedback. Depending on certain keywords in the customer's message, this workflow creates a ticket with a tag in your Freshdesk instance. The customer is then sent a message on Telegram and an item is created on for tracking.
Google Perspective node
Telegram Trigger node
Telegram node

Detect toxic language in Telegram messages

This workflow detects toxic language (such as profanity, insults, threats) in messages sent via Telegram. This blog tutorial explains how to configure the workflow nodes step-by-step. Telegram Trigger: triggers the workflow when a new message is sent in a Telegram chat. Google Perspective: analyzes the text of the message and returns a probability value between 0 and 1 of how likely it is that the content is toxic. IF: filters messages with a toxic probability value above 0.7. Telegram: sends a message in the chat with the text "I don't tolerate toxic language" if the probability value is above 0.7. NoOp: takes no action if the probability value is below 0.7.
Telegram Trigger node
Google Sheets node

Save Telegram daily messages to Google Sheets

A goal for 2022 is to write 1 thing I do each day. Combined with this workflow you will get daily messages via Telegram and when you reply to them they will be saved in a Google Sheet. Note: Make sure to configure your Telegram and Google Sheet credentials! You will also need to modify the functions to have your Telegram username and bot name.*
Nicholas Lewanowicz
Telegram Trigger node

About Telegram Trigger

Telegram is one of the fastest and most secured messaging apps on the market, connecting people via unique distributed network of data centers around the globe. You can create group chats up to 200,000 members, share large videos and documents of any type. It is completely free, and offers many unique features and options.

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