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integration Convert to File node

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n8n lets you connect Convert to File with hundreds of other apps. Create sophisticated automations between Convert to File and your stack.

Popular ways to use Convert to File integration

Sort node
Split Out node
Convert to File node
HTML node
Gmail node

Automated Web Scraping: email a CSV, save to Google Sheets & Microsoft Excel

How it works: The workflow starts by sending a request to a website to retrieve its HTML content. It then parses the HTML extracting the relevant information The extracted data is storted and converted into a CSV file. The CSV file is attached to an email and sent to your specified address. The data is simultaneously saved to both Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel for further analysis or use. Set-up steps: Change the website to scrape in the "Fetch website content" node Configure Microsoft Azure credentials with Microsoft Graph permissions (required for the Save to Microsoft Excel 365 node) Configure Google Cloud credentials with access to Google Drive, Google Sheets and Gmail APIs (the latter is required for the Send CSV via e-mail node).
Mihai Farcas
Extract from File node
Convert to File node
OpenAI Chat Model node
Code node
Telegram Trigger node

Extract data from resume and create PDF with Gotenberg

With this workflow you can extract data from resume documents uploaded via a Telegram bot. Workflow transform readable content of PDF resume into structured data, using AI nodes and returns PDF with formatted, plain HTML. You can modify this workflow to perform other actions with structured data (e.g. insert it into database or create other, well-formatted documents). Functionality of this workflow was presented during the n8n community call on March 7, 2024 - recording of presentation available here. ⚠️ Workflow made for demo purposes. If you want to use it in real life, please make sure necessary measures for personal data protection are set. How it works? User uploads readable PDF resume document into Telegram bot. After authentication based on chat ID parameter, workflow extracts text from the PDF and transfers it into AI chain with connected sub-nodes: OpenAI Chat Model and Structured Output (JSON) Parser. Then, each extracted section (employment history, projects etc.) is formatted into desired HTML structure. Finally, the document is converted into new, structured PDF using Gotenberg. 💡 This workflow requires installed Gotenberg. If you are not familiar with this software, please have a look on my YouTube tutorial. You can also replace call to Gotenberg with other PDF generation service (such as PDFMonkey or ApiTemplate). Set up steps Create Telegram bot and add its credentials in n8n. Set your chat ID parameter in Auth node. Adjust JSON schema in Structured Output Parser according to your needs. Optionally: replace HTTP call to Gotenberg with PDF generation service of your choice. If you like this workflow, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and/or my newsletter.
Aggregate node
Convert to File node
OpenAI Chat Model node
Code node
Gmail Trigger node

Transforming Emails into Podcasts

Transforming Emails into Podcasts 🎙️ Check out this channel for example. The n8n workflow described here aims to revolutionize the way users engage with promotional emails by converting them into entertaining audio podcasts. This innovative project leverages automation through n8n to streamline tasks and enhance user experience. Project Benefit 🎧🌟 The primary goal of this project is to transform "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" emails into engaging audio content. By converting text into speech, users can enjoy promotional material hands-free, making it easier to consume information while on the go or relaxing. The workflow consists of several key steps orchestrated seamlessly to deliver a delightful experience to users. How to Use the Workflow: Gmail trigger Node: Initiates the workflow by fetching "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" emails at regular intervals. The Gmail Trigger node in your N8N workflow is set to poll for new emails every minute and is configured to filter emails with the label "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" before triggering the workflow. Steps to Use Filters Inside the Gmail Trigger Node: Configure Gmail Trigger Node: Set "Poll Times" to "Every Minute" to check for new emails at regular intervals. Enable the "Simple" toggle if you want to simplify the node interface. Under "Filters", specify the label IDs you want to filter by. In this case, it's set to "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS". Adjust any additional options as needed. // Configure Gmail Trigger node pollTimes: { item: [ { mode: "everyMinute" } ] }, simple: false, filters: { labelIds: [ "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" ] }, options: {} Save and Execute: Save your workflow and execute it to start monitoring your Gmail account for new emails with the specified label filter. By following these steps, your workflow will effectively trigger based on new emails that match the "CATEGORY_PROMOTIONS" label in your Gmail account. Get message content Node: Extracts the email content for processing. Summarization Chain Node: Generates concise summaries using advanced methods for better readability. Delete the unnecessary items Node: Removes irrelevant details from the email content. Text to Free TTS Node: Converts the summary text into speech using Free TTS technology. Convert from base64 to File Node: Transforms the audio data into a compatible file format. Merge Text with Audio Node: Combines the text and audio components seamlessly. Aggregate in same cell Node: Gathers all processed data for finalization. Send Message to Telegram Node: Dispatches the audio message along with a caption to a designated Telegram chat ID. By automating these tasks, the workflow ensures efficient communication and delivers content in a more engaging format, fostering a positive user experience. Configuration Instructions: The configuration of this workflow involves setting up the necessary nodes and establishing connections between them. Each node performs a specific function crucial to the overall operation of the workflow. Additionally, credentials need to be provided for accessing Gmail and OpenAI services to enable seamless data processing and summarization. Utilizing Text-to-Speech API 🎧 In addition to n8n automation, an external Text-to-Speech API plays a pivotal role in generating audio content from text data. By sending a POST request with JSON data containing the text and voice preferences, users can quickly receive audio files of the converted content. The API offers a straightforward interface for text-to-speech conversion, making it ideal for creating audio clips efficiently. To access this API, simply submit the desired text and voice selection to receive the generated speech audio file. The API endpoint can be accessed at or through In conclusion, this n8n workflow coupled with a Text-to-Speech API presents a powerful solution for transforming emails into captivating podcasts, enhancing user engagement and communication effectiveness. By embracing automation and innovative technologies, this project aims to improve user experience and streamline content delivery processes. 🌈✨🚀
Aggregate node
Extract from File node
Convert to File node
Read/Write Files from Disk node
OpenAI Model node

ERP AI chatbot for Odoo sales module with OpenAI

Who is this for? This workflow is for everyone who wants to have easier access to their Odoo sales data without complex queries. Use Case To have a clear overview of your sales data in Odoo you typically needs to extract data from it manually to analyse it. This workflow uses OpenAI's language models to create an intelligent chatbot that provides conversational access to your Odoo sales opportunity data. How it works Creates a summary of all Odoo sales opportunities using OpenAI Uses that summary as context for the OpenAI chat model Keeps the summary up to date using a schedule trigger Set up steps: Configure the Odoo credentials Configure OpenAI credentials Toggle "Make Chat Publicly Available" from the Chat Trigger node.
Mihai Farcas
Qdrant Vector Store node
Mistral Cloud Chat Model node
Embeddings Mistral Cloud node
Default Data Loader node
Split Out node

Breakdown Documents into Study Notes using Templating MistralAI and Qdrant

This n8n workflow takes in a document such as a research paper, marketing or sales deck or company filings, and breaks them down into 3 templates: study guide, briefing doc and timeline. These templates are designed to help a student, associate or clerk quickly summarise, learn and understand the contents to be more productive. Study guide - a short quiz of questions and answered generated by the AI Agent using the contents of the document. Briefing Doc - key information and insights are extracted by the AI into a digestable form. Timeline - key events, durations and people are identified and listed into a simple to understand timeline by the AI How it works A local file trigger watches a local network directory for new documents. New documents are imported into the workflow, its contents extracted and vectorised into a Qdrant vector store to build a mini-knowledgebase. The document then passes through a series of template generating prompts where the AI will perform "research" on the knowledgebase to generate the template contents. Generated study guide, briefing and timeline documents are exported to a designated folder for the user. Requirements Self-hosted version of n8n. Qdrant instance for knowledgebase. account for embeddings and AI model. Customising your workflow Try adding your own templates or adjusting the existing templates to suit your unique use-case. Anything is quite possible and limited only by your imagination!
Convert to File node
n8n node

Export n8n Cloud execution data to CSV

Overview This template helps n8n cloud plan users execute all executions to a CSV for easy data analysis. Identify what workflows are generating the most executions or could be optimized. How this workflow works Click "Test Workflow" to manually execute the workflow Open the "Convert to CSV" node to access the binary data of the CSV file Download the CSV file Nodes included: n8n node Convert to File No Operation, do nothing - replace with another Set up steps Import the workflow to your workspace Add your n8n API credential Benefits of Exporting n8n Cloud Executions to CSV Exporting n8n Cloud executions to CSV offers significant advantages for enhancing workflow management and data analysis capabilities. Here are three key benefits: Enhanced Data Analysis: Comprehensive Insights: Exporting execution data allows for in-depth analysis of workflow performance, helping identify bottlenecks and optimize processes. Custom Reporting: CSV files can be easily imported into various data analysis tools (e.g., Excel, Google Sheets, or BI software) to create custom reports and visualizations tailored to specific business needs. Improved Workflow Monitoring: Historical Data Review: Accessing historical execution data enables users to track workflow changes and their impacts over time, facilitating better decision-making. Error Tracking and Debugging: By reviewing execution logs, users can quickly identify and address errors or failures, ensuring smoother and more reliable workflow operations. Regulatory Compliance and Auditing: Audit Trails: Keeping a record of all executions provides a clear audit trail, essential for regulatory compliance and internal audits. Data Retention: Exported data ensures that execution records are preserved according to organizational data retention policies, safeguarding against data loss. By leveraging the capabilities of CSV exports, users can gain valuable insights, streamline workflow management, and ensure robust data handling practices, ultimately driving better performance and efficiency in their n8n Cloud operations.

Supported modes

All Items to One File
Each Item to Separate File

Supported Actions

Convert to CSV
Transform input data into a CSV file
Convert to HTML
Transform input data into a table in an HTML file
Convert to ICS
Converts each input item to an ICS event file
Convert to JSON
Transform input data into a single or multiple JSON files
Convert to ODS
Transform input data into an ODS file
Convert to RTF
Transform input data into a table in an RTF file
Convert to Text File
Transform input data string into a file
Convert to XLS
Transform input data into an Excel file
Convert to XLSX
Transform input data into an Excel file
Move Base64 String to File
Convert a base64-encoded string into its original file format

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