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Popular ways to use Aggregate integration

GitHub node
HTTP Request node

Creators Hub: Generate Dynamic SVG Stats with daily updates

n8n Creators Template: Creator Profile Stats Updater This n8n workflow template is designed to automate the process of updating a creator's profile statistics, including total workflows, complex workflows, approved workflows, pending workflows, total nodes, and total views. It utilizes various nodes to fetch data, process it, and update a SVG file hosted on GitHub to reflect the latest stats. Workflow Overview Schedule Trigger: Triggers the workflow execution at specified intervals. Config: Sets up configuration details like creator username, colors for text, icons, border, and card. Get Workflows: Fetches workflows associated with the creator from the n8n API. Workflows Data: Processes the fetched data to calculate various statistics. Get User: Fetches user details from the n8n API. Download Image: Downloads the creator's profile image. Extract From File: Extracts binary data from the downloaded image file. SVG: Generates an SVG file with updated stats and visual representation. GitHub: Commits the updated SVG file to the specified GitHub repository. Final: Prepares the final data set for further processing or output. Sticky Note: Provides a visual note or reminder within the workflow editor. Embed & Live Preview Since it's a .SVG format you can host it anywhere. treat it like normal image so you can embed it with any site, forum, page that support posting images. here's example code for markdown: Here's the result Or served through CDN & Cache Setup Instructions GitHub Credentials: Ensure you have GitHub credentials set up in your n8n instance to allow the workflow to commit changes to your repository. Configure Trigger: Adjust the Schedule Trigger node to set the desired execution intervals for the workflow. Set Configuration: Customize the Config node with your GitHub username and preferred aesthetic options for the SVG. Deploy Workflow: Import the workflow into your n8n instance and deploy it. Customization Options Text and Icon Colors**: Customize the colors used in the SVG by modifying the respective fields in the Config node. Profile Image Size**: Adjust the image size in the Download Image node URL if needed. Commit Messages**: Modify the commit messages in the GitHub nodes to suit your version control conventions [I've used $now funaction to include current time in message which will gives allways a diffrent commit value]. Requirements n8n (Self-hosted or Cloud version compatible with 2024 releases and up) GitHub account and repository Basic understanding of n8n workflow configuration Support and Contributions For support, please refer to the n8n community forum or the official n8n documentation. Contributions to the template can be made you're allowed to reuse this workflow and reshare with edit (like new design/colors etc..) under your name.
HTTP Request node
Webhook node
Respond to Webhook node

Generating Keywords using Google Autosuggest

This workflow is aimed at generating keywords for SEO and articles To get started, you need to use the workflow as it is. You just call the webhook URL with a query parameter as q={{ $keywords}} For example, you can call it using ?q=keyword research This will give you a list of keywords back as an array. This system can be used by SEO pros, content marketers and also social media marketers to generate relevant keywords for their user needs
GitLab node
n8n node

Backup Tag-Selected Workflows to Gitlab

Fetches workflow definitions from within n8n, selecting only the ones that have one or more (configurable) assigned tags and then: Derives a suitable backup filename by reducing the workflow name to a string with alphanumeric characters and no-spaces Note: This isn't bulletproof, but works as long as workflow names aren't too crazy. Determines which workflows need to be backed up based on whether each one: has been modified. (Note: Even repositioning a node counts.) ...or... is new. (Note: Renaming counts as this.) Commits JSON copies of each workflow, as necessary, to a Gitlab repository with a generated, date-stamped commit message. Setup Credentials Create a Gitlab Credentials item and assign it to all Gitlab nodes. Create an n8n Credentials item and assign it to the n8n node Note: This was tested with http://localhost:5678/api/v1 but should work with any reachable n8n instance and API key. Modify these values in the "Globals" Node gitlab_owner - {{your gitlab account}} gitlab_project - {{ your gitlab project name }} gitlab_workflow_path - {{ subdirectory in the project where backup files should be saved/committed }} tags_to_match_for_backup - {{tag(s) to match for backup selection}} *ALERT: According to the n8n node's Filters -> tags field annotations, and API documentation, this supports a CSV list of multiple tags (e.g. tag1,tag2), but the API behavior requires workflows to have all-of the listed tags, not any-of them.* See: TL/DR - Don't expect a multiple tag list to be more inclusive. Possible workaround: To match more than one tag value, duplicate the n8n node into multiple single-tag matches, or split and iterate multiple values, and merge the results. Possible Enhancements Make the branch ("Reference") for all the gitlab nodes configurable. Fixed on all as "main" in the template. Add an n8n node to generate an audit and store the output in gitlab along with the backups. Extend the workflow at the end to create a Gitlab release/tag whenever any backup files are actually updated or created.
R Thomas
Telegram node
n8n node

Weekly N8N executions failures report to Telegram

How it works Weekly triggered Fetches all previous executions of a given workflow Filter for failures and aggregate them into a single report Sends them to a given Telegram chat. Set up steps Create a new N8N api token in the settings panel. Add new N8N credentials in the credentials panel. Add new Telegram credentials in the credentials panel. Select N8N credentials and select the workflow ID in the "Get all previous executions" node. Select Telegram credentials and enter the chat-id in the "Telegram" node.
HTTP Request node
GraphQL node

Create Linear tickets from Notion content

This workflow allows you to define multiple tickets/issues in a Notion page, then easily import them into Linear. Why is it useful? We use this workflow internally at n8n for collaboration between Product and Engineering teams: Engineering needs all work to be in our ticketing system (Linear) in order to keep track of it Product prefers to review features in Notion. This is because it and can be used to dump all your thoughts and organise them into themes afterwards, plus it better supports rich content like videos Features Supports rich formatting (bullets, images, videos, links, etc.) Keeps links between the Notion and Linear version, in case you need to refer back Allows you to assign each issue to a team member in the Notion definition Avoids importing the same issues twice if you run it again on the same page (meaning you can issues incrementally) You can see an example of the required format of the Notion page here.
David Roberts
Webhook node
Respond to Webhook node

🔍 Visualize Your n8n Workflows with Mermaid.js!

Are you a visual thinker working with n8n? 🎨 View and understand workflow structures at a glance with this template! Built with mermaid.js, Bootstrap 5 and AXAJ to create an interactive web page displaying n8n workflows as flowcharts. 🌟 Perfect for documentation, presentations, or just getting a clearer picture of your automation processes. Need customization help? Reach out to Eduard! Benefits 📊 Instant workflow visualization 📱 Responsive design 🔗 Direct links to n8n workflows 🧩 Special shapes for different node types 🚫 Disabled node indication 🔒 No external dependencies – just paste the workflow and call the webhook 🛠️ Easily customizable – enhance the JS script or add custom styling ⚠️ Important note for cloud users ⚠️ Since the cloud version doesn't support environmental variables, please make the following changes in the CONFIG node: Update the instance_url variable: Enter your n8n URL instead of {{$env["N8N_PROTOCOL"]}}://{{$env["N8N_HOST"]}} Change the webhook_path to simply "webhook" instead of {{$env["N8N_ENDPOINT_WEBHOOK"] || "webhook"}} 🌟 Examples Multiple flowcharts on a single page: Several shapes for different nodes: Langchain nodes with special connections styling:

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Last week I automated much of the back office work for a small design studio in less than 8hrs and I am still mind-blown about it.

n8n is a game-changer and should be known by all SMBs and even enterprise companies.

in other news I installed @n8n_io tonight and holy moly it’s good

it’s compatible with EVERYTHING

We're using the @n8n_io cloud for our internal automation tasks since the beta started. It's awesome! Also, support is super fast and always helpful. 🤗

Implement complex processes faster with n8n

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