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integration Split Out node

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Popular ways to use Split Out integration

HTTP Request node
Notion node

Automate Competitor Research with, Notion and AI Agents

This n8n workflow demonstrates a simple multi-agent setup to perform the task of competitor research. It showcases how using the HTTP request tool could reduce the number of nodes needed to achieve a workflow like this. How it works For this template, a source company is defined by the user which is sent to to find competitors. Each competitor is then funnelled through 3 AI agents that will go out onto the internet and retrieve specific datapoints about the competitor; company overview, product offering and customer reviews. Once the agents are finished, the results are compiled into a report which is then inserted in a notion database. Check out an example output here: Requirements An OpenAI account for the LLM. account for access to their AI search engine. SerpAPI account for Google search. account for webscraping. account for database to save final reports. Customising the workflow Add additional agents to gather more datapoints such as SEO keywords and metrics. Not using notion? Feel free to swap this out for your own database.
Slack node
Google Calendar node

Organise an Event using Slack, Google Calendar and AI

This n8n workflow takes Slack conversations and turns them into Calendar events complete with accurate date and times and location information. Adding and removing attendees are also managed automatically. How it works Workflow monitors a Slack channel for invite messages with a "📅" reaction and sends this to the AI agent. AI agent parses the message determining the time, date and location. Using its Location tool, the AI agent searches for the precise location address from Google Maps. Using its Calendar tool, the AI agent creates a Google Calendar invite with the title, description and location address for the user. Back in the Slack channel, others can RSVP to the invite by reacting with the "✅" emjoi. The workflow polls the message after a while and adds the users who have reacted to the Calendar Invite as attendees. Conversely, removing any attendees who have since removed their reaction. Examples Jill: "Hey team, I'm organising a round of Laser Tag (Bunker 51) next Thursday around 6pm. Please RSVP with a ✅" AI: "I've helped you create an event in your calendar" Jack: "✅" AI: "I've added Jack to the event as an attendee". Requirements Slack channel to attach the workflow OpenAI account to use a GPT model Google Calendar to create and update events Customising the Workflow This workflow can work with other messaging platforms that support reactions or tagging like features such as discord. Don't use Google Calendar? Swap it out for Outlook or your own. Use any combinations of emjoi reactions and add new rules like "RSVP maybe" which could send reminder updates nearer the event date.
HTTP Request node
Split Out node

Preconfigured nodes for API requests

Using the Systeme API can be challenging due to its pagination settings and low rate limit. This requires a bit more knowledge about API requests than a beginner might have. This template provides preconfigured HTTP Request nodes to help you work more efficiently. Pagination settings, item limits, and rate limits are all configured for you, making it easier to get started. How to configure credentials The Systeme API uses the Header Auth method. So create a Header Auth credential in your n8n with the name "X-API-Key".
Google Sheets node
HTTP Request node
Clearbit node

Enrich website visitors with Leadfeeder & Clearbit and save to Google Sheets

Use Case When trying to maximize your outreach, website visitors are often an overlooked source of qualified new leads. This workflow allows your to track and enrich new website visitors and saves them to a Google Sheet once they meet a pre-defined criteria. What this workflow does This workflow fires once a day and gets all your leads saved in Leadfeeder. It then takes the leads that meet a pre-defined engagement criteria, e.g. that they visited your site 3 times, and enriches them additionally with Clearbit. From there it filters the leads again by a criteria on the company, e.g. a minimum employee count, and saves matching leads into a Google Sheet document. Setup Add your Leedfeeder credentials. The name should be Authorization and the value Token token=yourapitoken. You can find your token via Settings -> Personal -> API-Token Add your Google Sheet credentials Save the Leedfeeder account names you want to use in the Setup node Copy the Google Sheets Template and add its URL to the Setup node How to adjust this to your needs Adjust and/or remove the engagement and company criteria Add more ways to enrich a company Potential ideas to enhance the use of this workflow Automatically reach out to users that meet the criteria / that get added to the sheet Create a workflow that finds the right employee in companies that are identified by this workflow
Niklas Hatje
HTTP Request node
Webhook node
Respond to Webhook node

Generating Keywords using Google Autosuggest

This workflow is aimed at generating keywords for SEO and articles To get started, you need to use the workflow as it is. You just call the webhook URL with a query parameter as q={{ $keywords}} For example, you can call it using ?q=keyword research This will give you a list of keywords back as an array. This system can be used by SEO pros, content marketers and also social media marketers to generate relevant keywords for their user needs
Merge node
Google Docs node
Code node

AI-powered automated stock analysis

Introduction: Streamline your fundamental stock analysis process with AI-powered automation. By harnessing the power of SEC 10K reports - comprehensive documents required by the SEC containing vital company information - this template automates the analysis workflow. From planning by a Senior Research Analyst to execution by five Research Analysts and final review by a Senior Editor, this template takes an AI persona approach to compose the report that includes an overview of the business, strategy, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threads) analysis, near term catalysts, and top risks. Additionally, this template allows you to control the length and detail of the report generated. How it works There are three personas in the workflow: Senior Research Analyst** is the first part of the workflow. They are responsible for planning the work for the rest of the team. Squad of Research Analysts** is the second part of the workflow. They execute the plan created. Senior Editor** is the third part of the workflow. They polish the draft report and send it to publish This template uses a custom tool that is able to answer the SEC 10K questions from the Research team. Setup steps Setup the Stock Q&A Workflow for the company you want to analyze using this template Customize the setup node by specifying the company to analyze Customize the publish step by specifying the file name in the Google docs node Credit Inspired by Guilio's template
Derek Cheung

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