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integration Code node

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Unlock Code’s full potential with n8n, connecting it to similar Development apps and over 1000 other services. Automate productivity workflows by scheduling tasks, managing project timelines, and tracking progress across platforms. Create adaptable and scalable workflows between Code and your stack. All within a building experience you will love.

Popular ways to use Code integration

Merge node
Spotify node

Add liked songs to a Spotify monthly playlist

🎶 Add liked songs to a monthly playlist > This Workflow is a port of Add saved songs to a monthly playlist from IFTTT. When you like a song, the workflow will save this song in a monthly playlist. E.g.: It's June 2024, I liked a song. The workflow will save this song in a playlist called June '24. If this playlist does not exist, the workflow will create it for me. ⚙ How it works Each 5 minutes, the workflow will start automatically. He will do 3 things : Get the last 10 songs you saved in the "Liked song" playlist (by clicking on the heart in the app) and save them in a NocoDB table (of course, the workflow avoid to create duplicates). Check if the monthly playlist is already created. Otherwise, the playlist is created. The created playlist is also saved in NocoDB to avoid any problems. Check if the monthly playlist contains all the song liked this month by getting them from NocoDB. If they are not present, add them one by one in the playlist. You may have a question regarding the need of NocoDB. Over the last few weeks/months, I've had duplication problems in my playlists and some playlists have been created twice because Spotify wasn't returning all the information but only partial information. Having the database means I don't have to rely on Spotify's data but on my own, which is accurate and represents reality. 📝 Prerequisites You need to have : Spotify API keys, which you can obtain by creating a Spotify application here: Create a NocoDB API token 📚 Instructions Follow the instructions below Create your Spotify API credential Create your NocoDB credential Populate all Spotify nodes with your credentials Populate all Spotify nodes with your credentials Enjoy ! If you need help, feel free to ping me on the N8N Discord server or send me a DM at "LucasAlt" Show your support Share your workflow on X and mention @LucasCtrlAlt Consider buying me a coffee 😉
GitHub node
HTTP Request node
Merge node

Back Up Your n8n Workflows To Github

This workflow will backup your workflows to Github. It uses the public api to export all of the workflow data using the n8n node. It then loops over the data checks in Github to see if a file exists that uses the workflow name. Once checked it will then update the file on Github if it exists, Create a new file if it doesn't exist and if it's the same it will ignore the file. Config Options repo_owner - Github owner repo_name - Github repository name repo_path - Path within the Github repository >This workflow has been updated to use the n8n node and the code node so requires at least version 0.198.0 of n8n
Customer Datastore (n8n training) node

Merge multiple runs into one

This is a workflow that might come handy after using loops. They usually leave you with items spread across different "runs". The Code node in this example workflow merges them into a single run, so you have a single list of items which is often easier to work with. Simply adjust the node name inside the Code node as needed. The idea is based on this older workflow template.
Slack node
Webhook node
Zendesk node

Sync Zendesk tickets to Slack thread

This workflow creates a Slack thread when a new ticket is created in Zendesk. Subsequent comments on the ticket in Zendesk are added as replies to the thread in Slack. Prerequisites Zendesk account and Zendesk credentials. Slack account and Slack credentials. Slack channel to create threads in. How it works The workflow listens for new tickets in Zendesk. When a new ticket is created, the workflow creates a new thread/message in Slack. The Slack thread ID is then saved in one of the ticket's fields called "Slack thread ID". The next time a comment is added to the ticket, the workflow retrieves the Slack thread ID from the ticket's field and adds the comment to the thread/message in Slack as a reply. Setup This workflow requires that you set up a webhook in Zendesk. To do so, follow the steps below: In the workflow, open the On new Zendesk ticket node and copy the webhook URL. In Zendesk, navigate to Admin Center > Apps and integrations > Webhooks > Actions > Create Webhook. Add all the required details which can be retrieved from the On new Zendesk ticket node. The webhook URL gets added to the “Endpoint URL” field, and the “Request method” should match what is shown in n8n. Save the webhook. In Zendesk, navigate to Admin Center > Objects and rules > Business rules > Triggers > Add trigger. Give trigger a name such as “New tickets”. Under “Conditions” in “Meet ALL of the following conditions”, add “Status is New”. Under “Actions”, select “Notify active webhook” and select the webhook you created previously. In the JSON body, add the following: { "id": "{{}}", "comment": "{{ticket.latest_comment_html}}" } Save the Zendesk trigger. You will also need to set up a field in Zendesk to store the Slack thread ID. To do so, follow the steps below: In Zendesk, navigate to Admin Center > Objects and rules > Tickets > Fields > Add field. Use the text field option and give the field a name such as “Slack thread ID”. Save the field. In n8n, open the Update ticket node and select the field you created in Zendesk.
n8n Team
HTTP Request node
Merge node

Sync Stripe charges to HubSpot contacts

This workflow pushes Stripe charges to HubSpot contacts. It uses the Stripe API to get all charges and the HubSpot API to update the contacts. The workflow will create a new HubSpot property to store the total amount charged. If the property already exists, it will update the property. Prerequisites Stripe credentials. HubSpot credentials. How it works On a schedule, check if the property exists in HubSpot. If it doesn't exist, create it. The default schedule is once a day at midnight. Once property is acertained, the first Stripe node gets all charges. Once the charges are returned, the second Stripe node gets extra customer information. Once the customer information is returned, Merge data node will merge the customer information with the charges so that the next node Aggregate totals can calculate the total amount charged per contact. Once we have the total amount charged per contact, the Create or update customer node will create a new HubSpot contact if it doesn't exist or update the contact if it does exist with the total amount charged.
n8n Team