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integration HubSpot node

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Create workflows with HubSpot integrations

787 integrations
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Popular ways to use HubSpot integration

Dropcontact node
Lemlist node
Phantombuster node
HubSpot node
Airtable node

Create HubSpot contacts from LinkedIn post interactions

This workflow automatically does the following: Scrapes comments and likes from a LinkedIn post. Adds contact data (nominative and verified email address, gender, standardized first name and last name, all legal company information). Adds these contacts to Airtable. Sends an ultra-personalized cold email sequence. Sends a Linkedin invitation after the cold email sending. Pushes all contacts to HubSpot. Prerequisites A Phantombuster account and credentials A Lemlist account and credentials A Dropcontact account and credentials A HubSpot account and credentials How it works Cron node executes the workflow every hour. Phantombuster node (Launch agent) launches the "LinkedIn Post Likers" phantom and the "LinkedIn Post Commenters" phantom. Note that you have to create these phantoms before setting your workflow automation. Phantombuster node (Get Output agent)** gets results from the previous phantoms. Dropcontact node fetches the new contact information and returns the data of the person and the company associated with the email address, job function, and all legal information. Airtable node (List) lists all the records in the Contacts table. IF node routes the workflow based on whether a contact is in Airtable. Set node sets the required data for the following nodes. Airtable node (Update)** updates the record's name. Airtable node (Append)** creates a record if the account doesn't exist yet. Lemlist node adds a contact to an existing campaign. Phantombuster node (Launch agent)** launches the "LinkedIn Network Booster" phantom. Note that you have to create these phantoms before setting your automation. Hubspot node creates or updates the contacts in the HubSpot CRM.
Google Slides node
HubSpot Trigger node
HubSpot node
Slack node
Airtable node

Export new deals from HubSpot to Slack and Airtable

This workflow is triggered when a new deal is created in HubSpot. Then, it processes the deal based on its value and stage. The first branching follows three cases: If the deal is closed and won, a message is sent in a Slack channel, so that the whole team can celebrate the success. If a presentation has been scheduled for the deal, then a Google Slides presentation template is created. If the deal is closed and lost, the deal’s details are added to an Airtable table. From here, you can analyze the data to get insights into what and why certain deals don’t get closed. The second branching follows two cases: If the deal is for a new business and has a value above 500, a high-priority ticket assigned to an experienced team member is created in HubSpot If the deal is for an existing business and has a value below 500, a low-priority ticket is created.
HubSpot node
Pipedrive node
Merge node

One-way sync between Pipedrive and HubSpot

This workflow synchronizes data one-way from Pipedrive to HubSpot. Cron node** schedules the workflow to run every minute. Pipedrive* and *Hubspot1 nodes pull in both lists of persons from Pipedrive and contacts from HubSpot. Merge node* with the option *Remove Key Matches identifies the items that uniquely exist in Pipedrive. Hubspot2 node** takes those unique items and adds them to HubSpot.
HubSpot node
Pipedrive node
Merge node

Two-way sync between Pipedrive and HubSpot

This workflow synchronizes data both ways between Pipedrive and HubSpot. Cron node** schedules the workflow to run every minute. Pipedrive* and *Hubspot nodes** pull in both lists of persons from Pipedrive and contacts from HubSpot. Merge1* and *Merge2 nodes** with the option Remove Key Matches identify the items that uniquely exist in HubSpot and Pipedrive, respectively. Update Pipedrive* and *Update HubSpot nodes** take those unique items and add them in Pipedrive and HubSpot, respectively.
HubSpot Trigger node
Clearbit node
HubSpot node

Enrich contact information with HubSpot and ClearBit

This workflow enriches the information of a new contact that gets added to HubSpot. HubSpot Trigger: This node triggers the workflow when a new contact gets added to HubSpot. Get Contact: This node fetches the information of the new contact. Clearbit: This node returns the data of the person and the company associated with the email address. Update Contact: This node will update the contact with the information returned by the Clearbit node. Based on your use case, you can select which fields you want to update.
Gmail node
HubSpot node
Typeform Trigger node

Capture leads in HubSpot from Typeform

This workflow is triggered when a typeform is submitted, then it saves the sender's information into HubSpot as a new contact. Typeform Trigger: triggers the workflow when a typeform is submitted. Set: sets the fields for the values from Typeform. HubSpot 1: creates a new contact with information from Typeform. IF: filters contacts who expressed their interest in business services. HubSpot 2: updates the contact's stage to opportunity. Gmail: sends an email to the opportunity contacts with informational material. NoOp: takes no action for contacts who are not interested.

Supported Actions

Create a company
Delete a company
Get a company
Get Many
Get many companies
Get Recently Created/Updated
Get recently created/updated companies
Search companies by their website domain
Update a company
Create or Update
Create a new contact, or update the current one if it already exists (upsert)
Delete a contact
Get a contact
Get Many
Get many contacts
Get Recently Created/Updated
Get recently created/updated contacts
Search contacts
Add contact to a list
Remove a contact from a list
Create a deal
Delete a deal
Get a deal
Get Many
Get many deals
Get Recently Created/Updated
Get recently created/updated deals
Search deals
Update a deal
Create an engagement
Delete an engagement
Get an engagement
Get Many
Get many engagements
Create a ticket
Delete a ticket
Get a ticket
Get Many
Get many tickets
Update a ticket
HubSpot node

About HubSpot

HubSpot is a leading all-in-one marketing and sales software that is tailored for content marketing, SEO, landing pages, lead management, marketing automation and more. It is easy to use, and can help you have a clear view of your entire sales cycle.

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  • Shopify node
Use case

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