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Create workflows with Mattermost integrations

787 integrations
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Popular ways to use Mattermost integration

Mattermost node
Webhook node

Start a Whereby video call from Mattermost

Companion workflow for blog post
AWS Comprehend node
Mattermost node
Typeform Trigger node

Analyze feedback using AWS Comprehend and send it to a Mattermost channel

This workflow analyzes the sentiments of the feedback provided by users and sends them to a Mattermost channel. Typeform Trigger node: Whenever a user submits a response to the Typeform, the Typeform Trigger node will trigger the workflow. The node returns the response that the user has submitted in the form. AWS Comprehend node: This node analyses the sentiment of the response the user has provided and gives a score. IF node: The IF node uses the data provided by the AWS Comprehend node and checks if the sentiment is negative. If the sentiment is negative we get the result as true, otherwise false. Mattermost node: If the score is negative, the IF node returns true and the true branch of the IF node is executed. We connect the Mattermost node with the true branch of the IF node. Whenever the score of the sentiment analysis is negative, the node gets executed and a message is posted on a channel in Mattermost. NoOp: This node here is optional, as the absence of this node won't make a difference to the functioning of the workflow. This workflow can be used by Product Managers to analyze the feedback of the product. The workflow can also be used by HR to analyze employee feedback. You can even use this node for sentiment analysis of Tweets. To perform a sentiment analysis of Tweets, replace the Typeform Trigger node with the Twitter node. Note: You will need a Trigger node or Start node to start the workflow. Instead of posting a message on Mattermost, you can save the results in a database or a Google Sheet, or Airtable. Replace the Mattermost node with (or add after the Mattermost node) the node of your choice to add the result to your database.
X (Formerly Twitter) node
Mattermost node

Send tweets every minute to Mattermost

This workflow executes every minute and fetches the recent tweets from Twitter with the search query n8n_io. The workflow is built on the concept of polling. Cron node: The Cron node triggers the workflow every minute. Based on your use-case you can configure the time. You can even use the Interval node to trigger the workflow at a certain time interval. Twitter node: The Twitter node searches for the tweets that contain n8n_io and returns the most recent tweets. You can specify a different search query based on your use-case. Set node: The Set node sets the data that we pass on to the next nodes in the workflow. You can set only the values that you require in your workflow. Function node: All the magic happens in this node. The Twitter node returns all the recent tweets, including the ones which were returned earlier. The Function node, using the getWorkflowStaticData() method, only returns the tweets that are new, i.e., the tweets that were not returned in the previous workflow. Mattermost node: The Mattermost node sends the tweets from the Function node to the Twitter notifications channel. If you don't use Mattermost and want to share this data on a different platform, replace this node with the appropriate node.
Mattermost node
Webhook node
HTTP Request node

Webhooks with Mattermost

Does pretty much what this workflow does but is triggered by a slash command using a Webhook node.
Mattermost node
Webhook node

Gender inclusive language bot for Mattermost

This workflow ensures gender inclusive language in Mattermost channels. If someone addresses the group with “guys” or “gals”, a bot promptly replies with: "May I suggest “folks” or “y'all”? We use gender inclusive language here. 😄". Webhook node**: triggers the workflow when a new message is posted in Mattermost. IF node**: verifies if the message includes the words "guys" or "gals". If false, it does not take any action. If true, it triggers the Mattermost node. Mattermost node**: posts the language warning message in the Mattermost channel.
Mattermost node
Google Sheets node

Monitor changes in Google Sheets every 45 mins

Based on your use case, you might want to trigger a workflow if new data gets added to your database. This workflow allows you to send a message to Mattermost when new data gets added in Google Sheets. The Interval node triggers the workflow every 45 minutes. You can modify the timing based on your use case. You can even use the Cron node to trigger the workflow. If you wish to fetch new Tweets from Twitter, replace the Google Sheet node with the respective node. Update the Function node accordingly.

Supported Actions

Add User
Add a user to a channel
Create a new channel
Soft delete a channel
Get a page of members for a channel
Restores a soft deleted channel
Search for a channel
Get statistics for a channel
Soft delete a post, by marking the post as deleted in the database
Post a message into a channel
Post Ephemeral
Post an ephemeral message into a channel
Add a reaction to a post
Remove a reaction from a post
Get Many
Get many reactions to one or more posts
Create a new user
Deactivates the user and revokes all its sessions by archiving its user object
Get By Email
Get a user by email
Get By ID
Get a user by ID
Get Many
Retrieve many users
Invite user to team
Mattermost node

About Mattermost

Mattermost is made for development teams collaboration. It is a self-hosted, open-source online chat program featuring file sharing, search, and integrations. It is intended to be used by businesses and organizations as an internal conversation.

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