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integration Zendesk node

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Create workflows with Zendesk integrations

787 integrations
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Popular ways to use Zendesk integration

Zendesk node

Create a ticket in Zendesk

Zendesk node
Slack node

Post unassigned Zendesk tickets to Slack

> This has been updated to support the Query feature added to the Zendesk node in 0.144.0 This workflow will post all New and Open tickets without an agent assigned to a Slack channel on a schedule. The function node is used in this example to merge multiple inputs into one output message which is then used as the Slack message. The output in Slack will be similar to the below message, The "TICKET_ID" will be a link to the ticket. > Unassigned Tickets TICKET_ID [STATUS] - TICKET_SUBJECT Usage Update the Cron schedule, The default value is 16:30 daily. Update the Credentials in the Zendesk nodes Update the Credentials and Channel in the Slack Node Grab a coffee and enjoy! Zendesk Query In the Zendesk node we are using the query assignee:none status<pending this returns all New and Open tickets with no assignee allowing us to remove the extra nodes.
Jonathan Bennetts
Zendesk node
Pipedrive node
Merge node
HTTP Request node

Send Zendesk tickets to Pipedrive contacts and assign tasks

This workflow automatically sends Zendesk tickets to Pipedrive contacts and makes them task assignees. The automation is triggered every 5 minutes, with Zendesk checking and collecting new tickets which are then individually assigned to a Pipedrive contact. Prerequisites Pipedrive account and Pipedrive credentials Zendesk account and Zendesk credentials Note: The Pipedrive and the Zendesk accounts need to be created by the same person / with the same email. How it works Cron node triggers the workflow every 5 minutes. Zendesk node collects all the tickets received after the last execution timestamp. Set node passes only the requester`s email and ID further to the Merge node. Merge by key node merges both inputs together, the tickets and their contact emails. Pipedrive node then searches for the requester. HTTP Request node gets owner information of Pipedrive contact. Set nodes keep only the requester owner's email and the agent`s email and id. Merge by key node merges the information and adds the contact owner to ticket data. Zendesk node changes the assignee to the Pipedrive contact owner or adds a note if the requester is not found. The Function Item node sets the new last execution timestamp.
n8n Team
Item Lists node
Zendesk node
Pipedrive node
Merge node
HTTP Request node

Sync Zendesk tickets to Pipedrive contact owners

This workflow syncs Zendesk tickets to Pipedrive contact owners. This workflow is triggered every day at 09:00 with Zendesk collecting all the tickets updated after the last execution timestamp and updating them according to Pipedrive contacts. It also adds Zendesk comments to the tickets as notes in Pipedrive. Prerequisites Pipedrive account and Pipedrive credentials Zendesk account and Zendesk credentials Note: The Pipedrive and the Zendesk accounts need to be created by the same person / with the same email. How it works Cron node triggers the workflow every day at 09:00. Zendesk node collects all the tickets updated after the last execution timestamp. If node checks if the channel in the ticket is an email, and if so, it continues the workflow. The Item Lists node removes duplicates to make search efficient. Pipedrive node searches persons by email. Set node renames and keeps only needed fields (email & person id) Merge by key node adds the Pipedrive contact id to Zendesk tickets. The HTTP Request node gets Zendesk comments for tickets and the Merge node adds them to tickets. Split node adds nodes in batches with each iteration. Item list node splits comments into separate items. Pipedrive node adds comment as notes. If node checks if the data processing is done and if not, goes back to the Split node. The Function Item node sets the new last execution timestamp.
n8n Team
Zendesk node
HubSpot node
Merge node

Sync Zendesk tickets to your HubSpot contacts

This workflow automatically syncs your Zendesk tickets to your HubSpot contacts. Every 5 minutes, your HubSpot account collects all the newly modified data and updates it into your Zendesk account, updating the current tickets or creating new ones. Prerequisites Zendesk account and Zendesk credentials HubSpot account and HubSpot credentials How it works Cron node triggers the workflow every 5 minutes. Function Item node collects all the tickets received after the last execution timestamp. HubSpot node collects all the recently modified companies. Zendesk node checks all the Zendesk tickets associated with those companies. Merge by key node merges the Zendesk and Hubspot data related to those companies. If node splits the workflow conditionally, based on data received. If the company already exists in, Zendesk node updates organization’sdata. If the company does not exist yet, Zendesk node will create an organization. The Function Item node sets the new last execution timestamp.
n8n Team
Zendesk node
Shopify Trigger node
Merge node

Sync Shopify orders with your Zendesk contacts

This workflow automatically syncs Shopify orders with your Zendesk contacts. Using this workflow, the Shopify email ID, phone number ID and order information will be added or updated to Zendesk contacts. Prerequisites Shopify account and Shopify credentials Zendesk account and Zendesk credentials How it works Shopify Trigger starts the workflow whenever a customer`s data is updated. Zendesk Node then searches the contact by email address. Set node keeps only the UserId and email of the contact. Merge by Key node combines the Shopify and Zendesk data. If node splits the workflow conditionally, check if the contact already exists or not. If the user exists, Zendesk node updates its contact data. If the user does not exist, Zendesk node creates a new contact.
n8n Team

Supported Actions

Create a ticket
Delete a ticket
Get a ticket
Get Many
Get many tickets
Recover a suspended ticket
Update a ticket
Get a ticket field
Get Many
Get many system and custom ticket fields
Create a user
Delete a user
Get a user
Get Many
Get many users
Get Organizations
Get a user's organizations
Get Related Data
Get data related to the user
Search users
Update a user
Count organizations
Create an organization
Delete an organization
Get an organization
Get Many
Get many organizations
Get Related Data
Get data related to the organization
Update a organization
Zendesk node

About Zendesk

Zendesk is a complete customer service software & sales CRM that is easy to use and responds to your business needs. It is scalable, customizable, and affordable, that is why companies like Uber and SIEMENS use Zendesk.

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