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integration HTTP Request node

Integrate HTTP Request with 500+ apps and services

Unlock HTTP Request’s full potential with n8n, connecting it to similar Development apps and over 1000 other services. Automate productivity workflows by scheduling tasks, managing project timelines, and tracking progress across platforms. Create adaptable and scalable workflows between HTTP Request and your stack. All within a building experience you will love.

Create workflows with HTTP Request integrations

798 integrations
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Popular ways to use HTTP Request integration

HTTP Request node
Nextcloud node

Manage folders in Nextcloud

Companion workflow for enhanced Nextcloud node docs
HTTP Request node

Create Nextcloud Deck Card from IMAP email

Check email and create new Nextcloud Deck card from incoming email. Import workflow. Change Nextcloud URL with target board id and stack id. Configure IMAP credential and Nextcloud userid / password. The workflow starts with new IMAP email. This workflow creates new Nextcloud Deck Card with email subject and email body. (Note that all the emails will be marked as read.)
Masahiro Minami
HTTP Request node

Scrape and store data from multiple website pages

This workflow allows extracting data from multiple pages website. The workflow: 1) Starts in a country list at 2) Loads every country page ( 3) Paginates every page in the country page. 4) Extracts data from the country page. 5) Saves data to MongoDB. 6) Paginates through all pages in all countries. It uses getWorkflowStaticData('global') method to recover the next page (saved from the previous page), and it goes ahead with all the pages. There is a first section where the countries list is recovered and extracted. Later, I try to read if a local cache page is available and I recover the cached page from the disk. Finally, I save data to MongoDB, and we paginate all the pages in the country and for all the countries. I have applied a cache system to save a visited page to n8n local disk. If I relaunch workflow, we check if a cache file exists to discard non-required requests to the webpage. If the data present in the website changes, you can apply a Cron node to check the website once per week. Finally, before inserting data in MongoDB, the best way to avoid duplicates is to check that swift_code (the primary value of the collection) doesn't exist. I recommend using a proxy for all requests to avoid IP blocks. A good solution for proxy plus IP rotation is This workflow is perfect for small data requirements. If you need to scrape dynamic data, you can use a Headless browser or any other service. If you want to scrape huge lists of URIs, I recommend using Scrapy + Scrapoxy.
Miquel Colomer
HTTP Request node
Microsoft Outlook node

Create, add an attachment, and send a draft using Microsoft Outlook

This workflow allows you to create, add an attachment, and send a draft using the Microsoft Outlook node. Microsoft Outlook node: This node creates a draft message with HTML content. You can either set the content as Text or HTML. You can also add the recipients to the draft in this node. HTTP Request node: This node fetches the logo of n8n from a URL and returns the binary data. You might want to fetch files from your machine or another email or a database. You can replace this node with the relevant node. Microsoft Outlook1 node: This node adds the attachment that we receive from the previous node to the draft message that we created. Microsoft Outlook2 node: This node sends the draft message to a recipient. Since we didn't mention the recipient in the Microsoft Outlook node, we add the recipient in this node. You can also enter multiple recipients.
HTTP Request node
Merge node

Send RSS feed data to webhook

Filters articles based on keywords, checks against MongoDB for unique links, then sends results to different webhooks
HTTP Request node
Telegram node
LingvaNex node

Get daily poems in Telegram

This workflow posts a poem translated into English every day in a Telegram chat. Cron node: triggers the workflow every day at 10:00. You can change the time and interval based on your use case. HTTP Request node: makes an HTTP request to the Poemist API that returns a random poem. LingvaNex node: translates the returned poems into English. Telegram node: takes in the translated poem and posts it in the chat.